the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Come on out ... the club races are on again after summer break.

September 29th, 2002 / Sunday / Start time 8 AM

TWMC Outing - 1st annual One More Chance Enduro, Charlie's Place (near Red Mountain). Tim Stoner, and company.


From Kramer Junction (where HWY 395 and HWY 58 meet): go 27 miles North on Hwy 395. Turn right on Trona Road. Go 16 miles to the Wagon Wheel turnoff (big BLM sign). Turn right on the dirt road. Follow the arrows to camp.

From Mojave: go 21 miles north on Hwy 14. Take the Redrock / Randsburg turnoff just past Jawbone canyon. Go 12 miles to the Garlock turnoff. Take the left fork. Go 8 miles to Hwy 395. Turn left and go 3 miles to Searles Station Road. Turn right and go 6.3 miles to Trona Road. Turn left and go 2.7 miles to the Wagon Wheel turnoff. Turn right on the dirt road. Follow the arrows to camp.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
I'd love to. I was looking forward to these starting up again. Unfortunatly I'll be @ DIRT WEEK! :aj: :aj:

Have fun, I see you next time :flame:


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I'd love to but I'll be at this little get together called DirtWeek, maybe you have heard of it!

I will be working the Ghost Rider. I'm going to be the "Sound Check Cop." Jeff, I thought you were going to my Deputy, what gives?


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Until just recently, my left foot was twice the size as my right foot, so I'm not quite up for an Enduro yet (although I plan riding a little if I can). Oh well, there'll be the World Cup of Motocross to watch. :thumb:

I'll be riding as many enduros as I can, but I hope they cut out those loose rock downhills. :eek:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
The foot thing was not motorcycle related. :) Trust me, you don't want to know (unless you want the SCWC forum to sound like an old folks home).

Bottom line is, I should be able to ride until I'm 90 or so. ;)

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I'm glad you're A-OK !

But ... this is going to be one lonely enduro ... what with only CPT Jack and myself attending. :whiner:


Apr 13, 2000
Eel- I was looking at the newsletter this morning and you seem to be doing pretty well. Looks like I need to start getting on your line. :worship:


Apr 1, 2001
Hmmm....... Jeffs last question made me laugh out loud. It remined me of a joke:

Ahhh, I better not tell it here, but it involves camping; guess I'll save it for the next ride! :confused:

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Eirc's driving out today, I'm going out in the morning at O-dark-thirty. I just got an enduro computer & have to get it mounted. It's gonna be a hot one! :flame:

Fred... I think I know that camping joke..."Would you tell anyone if ..."

Placelast, are we going to be seeing you?


Apr 11, 2001
I just got an enduro computer & have to get it mounted.

Placelast, are we going to be seeing you?

What brand did U get? Any will certainly add to the fun.

I sure miss going, let alone riding. I have firewood for the giving, so don't be afraid to ask. No, we're not going to make it. Extra Shorty is in the midst of a tournament - he's actually winning for a change, & will be in the semi-finals tomorrow morn.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Extra Shorty is in the midst of a tournament - he's actually winning for a change, & will be in the semi-finals tomorrow morn.
That's great - send him our congrats! :thumb:

I went all out and got the ICO Checkmate. figured it's better to cry once than figure out I want to upgrade next year and cry twice. It was expensive, but it's a really nice unit. At lease I won't regret not getting the more expensive one!

I finished 10th with 10 pts and Eric finished 4th. The sand washes gave me a lot of trouble. The 756's were worn & I was still rich on pilot so I didn't have any bottom end. I was clutching like mad. I crashed twice, once pretty hard, but had no problem hopping back on & even felt good/energetic after the event, so I did something right. I used to be exhausted 2/3 of the way through every time, so I'm happy about that.

Here are the contributing factors/parameters:
Running (2-3 miles) 3x per week. Light weights.
Mulitvitamins the day before & morning off.
Vented gear - Really nice. I never got hot.
Ate Pasta the night before.
Gave up drinking soda for lth last month

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Fun race ... good way to start the fall. The course had plenty of variety and was challenging, though on the short side.

I've been trying to sell Jack on the virtues of Kenda's rear 257D. The wear is putting his 756 to shame and the traction is very good. Best of all ... $38 for a 4.50 X 18 ! I've had this rear tire on since June's race and it's still hooking up.

Don't count the chickens until they've hatched ... our Novice scoring from Sunday includes Super Seniors, who are actually their own class. So the positions you mention (4th and 10th) will likely be different when the detailed race scores are posted. Thank God for that !

FYI - Husqvarna kicked booty at this year's ISDE ! 4 Husky riders in the Top 10 overall, 8 in the Top 25 overall, high honors in the 250 2-stroke and 125 2-stroke classes, and second in class for 500 4-stroke, 400 4-stroke, and 125 2-stroke. :thumb:

This is weird ... Chilly rode a KTM ... at least that's what the final results show.
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2001
Wow Placelast, haven't seen you out in a while. You still riding? Any chance you're gonna make it out for the Ghost Rider?

That sure was a fun event! I finished 3rd Am. Think I would've had a shot at second if I would have trusted my timekeeping instead of thinking I was wrong when the whole row in front of me was stopped (including one of the clubs best riders). Turns out they were all keying off of Schul who was having problems with his ICO. Oh well, my bad for not having faith in my own skills. I've helped Stoner lay out a few courses, and done enough riding with him that I'm starting to like the same twisted crap as him. Too bad he forgot to put the last reset in the route sheet and they had to throw out the last two checks.

Eric, if you keep it up were gonna have to bump you up out of that Novice class!


the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Good ride Dean.

Looks like it might be back to the bottom of the pile for me next year ... at least if they bump me.

Guess that's the way to keep improving.

Are you going out to Teagle Wash next weekend ? I'm gonna go on Sunday and do some ribboning. Hope to see you there ....

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Well, so much for wishful thinking. 4th place it was and .... 4th place it is ! :flame: I'll be back !

Late to the 2nd check by 9 seconds, late to the second to last check by 5 seconds. AARRRGGHHH !

Jack - good job. I think it's time you joined.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Do you have a link to the results?


Apr 11, 2001

Wow Placelast, haven't seen you out in a while. You still riding? Any chance you're gonna make it out for the Ghost Rider?

I finished 3rd Am. Think I would've had a shot at second if I would have trusted my timekeeping instead of thinking I was wrong when the whole row in front of me was stopped (including one of the clubs best riders) bad for not having faith in my own skills. I've helped Stoner lay out a few courses, and done enough riding with him that I'm starting to like the same twisted crap as him.

Eric, if you keep it up were gonna have to bump you up out of that Novice class!

Deano the man! 3rd am?! :worship: Just a year ago U blazed the novice near the top of amateur...we need to bump bars soon. :aj:

No, don't think we'll make the GR event either; got too much on my plate right now to be of much help to the club.

Tim does lay out top-notch courses, IMHO (& w/your help), & there's nothing wrong w/preferring tough/tight stuff as anyone can go fast in the dez, but it takes more skill/is more of a challenge in the tight dez (I like it that way too). Funny: most guys who do enduros elsewhwere in this great country think we don't ever do tight stuff here. :think:

And that Eel: he's ripe to move up - let's have him finish the year a-crowin' then start the next as amateur :cool: :thumb:


Oct 12, 2001
Originally posted by placelast

No, don't think we'll make the GR event either; got too much on my plate right now to be of much help to the club.

Bummer, haven't rode with you in some time. :whiner: Any chance you're gonna make any of the other events this year?

Maybe we can plan a little ride up at Gorman.



Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by bishop_d

Bummer, haven't rode with you in some time. :whiner: Any chance you're gonna make any of the other events this year?

Maybe we can plan a little ride up at Gorman.


Don't know; I'm anxious to get out but have much traveling to do. I do get by with a little time here on DRN; nothing else to do sometimes while on the road. Send me a PM.
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