Jul 29, 2009
:) Im thinking about getting a new bike im 15, 5'3, and I weigh about 130. . I've been ridng for around a year now and the bike I have just isnt powerful enough for riding at a track. I want another two stroke. Im looking at honda mainly. I do all the work on my bikes. I tried ridng a cr 125 last week and it felt good but a little tall(I wasn't on a track though just rode my neighbors down the street and back). So should I get a 125 or a 85? O yeah my local shop sells kawasaki, yamaha, honda, and suzuki.
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Dec 31, 1969
Everyday I see more and more posts of this type
I am X years old and want a dirtbike what do you think I should look for?
As glad as I am that you value forum members opinions I wish you would include more info so they can give you an opinion instead of putting up this answer We need more info to help

Try to include the following info in your first post
1) your physical size (both height and weight are important)
2) How physical / aggressive are you ?
3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or ?????
4) Do you have any riding experience?
5) Do you think you will race ?
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work?
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)?
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry?
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike?
10) Do you live in California?
11) Your age?
12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion

This info won't guarentee a perfect bike choice but it will sure stear the answers you get closer to the ideal bike.

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