
Dec 3, 2001
Well, I crashed at a friends house yesterday,wfo in 3rd, on the landing of a jump. Landed crooked and the bike spit me off, then I skid for about 40 ft. My right wrist started to hurt badly, but about 2-3 minutes after crash, probably because of adrenalin. So went home and after a few hours, it still hurt but there was no swelling or discoloration. Woke up today and there was no discoloration and maybe 1mm of swelling in middle of wrist, barely noticible. But my wrist hurts no matter what position its in, least amount of pain when wrist straight. The pain is in the middle to left of wrist, and I can't rotate it very much or too much pain occurs, I can move it down a little though without too much pain. So my question is, can any bone in the middle to left of wrist be broken or fractured without any swelling or discoloration. I havent taken any medicine either. I'm thinking its severly sprained but every once in a while I think its broken because I can hear a pop sometimes when twisting wrist, and the pain is so constant. I still have not gone to a doctor :think: , maybe tomorrow though, because I dont want to deal with all that unless its broken.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Kind of ironic that I see this post. I went to the track last night and camped out so I could ride this morning, had a schedule to keep and I was damn sure gonna get some seat time at least once this week. when I woke up my right wrist hurt like hell, I guess I must have slept on it. It hurts mostly when I move it down but like you said, there is no comfortable position without pain. I can imagine what yours feels like if mine hurts this bad and all I did was sleep on it.


Mar 6, 2002
sounds like a broken Scaphoid. (id bet money on it in fact)
this is a bitch of bone to fracture,its hard to spot, and has poor blood supply so can be hard to heal, it is often best treated by an open reduction with a herbert screw,
get it x-rayed, if left untreated this bone can and will end ur riding for good


Dec 3, 2001
Sorry I never posted up again here. I went to the doctor on wednesday and had an x-ray and had a specialist check it out. He said that he is almost 100% sure that I fractured a bone, but go back in 2 weeks to get another xray and look for healing tissue around possible fracture. For now i'm in a splint, he gave me the choice between splint or hard cast, chose splint so that I can wash hands and wrist area etc.. I totally forget what the doctor said was fractured, I saw the xray and the bone where fracture is, but forget name. It towards the left part of my right hand, its a fairly long bone, maybe an inch or less. I think it supports the thumb bones maybe. I'll look for some hand diagrams and see if I can spot it.


Dec 3, 2001
Wow mark, I looked at a diagram of wrist and I'm pretty sure its that one. Becuase on the xray I remember the bone being curved and rectangular shaped. And whats an open reduction with herbert screw, seems like surgery, the doctor didnt even mention surgery.


Mar 6, 2002
the schaphoid is a cashew shaped bone.
an open reduction with a herbert screw is basically a small 20 min operation where they drill a hole throught the bone and put abolt in it to close the fracture.

waiting two weeks is a good idea, if it heals on its own this has to be the best option


Jun 25, 2001
Good luck healing the scaphoid, I broke my very badly and was visible the same day in the xray. Waited 6 weeks to allow it to heal on its own and never did. Had surgery and out another 8 weeks. A simple crash caused 4 months of recovery..and a life time of pain... good luck!

I have read in many places, minor scaphoid breaks are not visible for 2 weeks after the accident...

Best of luck!

serge fortin

Sep 23, 2002
be very careful letting the bone healed completely before any kind of activity with your wrist or you'll be very sorry,i broke mine 3 years ago came back to riding too soon broke it again and after surgery (they took a piece of bone in my hips and put it between the other to pieces and put two screws in it)after a year it still not healed completely!Now i am looking at another surgery and my doctor has advised to quit motocross at once.I hope you won't get into all of these problem,so take my advice and let that stupid bone heal completely good luck


Dec 3, 2001
Ouch, that sucks. Definitely will allow ample time to heal, even though riding is so tempting, but being able to ride in a year is better than risking it and never riding. How did you guys break yours, crash or ?? When the doc looked at the xray he could just barely maybe see a fracture in it, only in one of the xrays too. Did your wrist hurt for awhile, mine only hurts a little bit when I try and pick up something like my backpack, but goes away after maybe 5 minutes.


Mar 12, 2003
this is scary... won't let my wife read this thread :-) She crashed with a CRF 230 3 weeks ago and broke this same bone. Doctors have been carefully telling her that the recovery might be tough since there's not much blood transfer to the bone, etc. She'll be in a cast for 6 weeks (cast up to the upper arm) first and then another 6 weeks (cast lower arm only). However, she will now see a hand & wrist specialist who will decide to operate her or not. I advise you to do the same - good healing!


Dec 3, 2001
ccie6872, serge fortin, or figi, did you guys/gals break you bones in half, or what kind of break? The doc said that mine is probably just a hairline fracture, so I dont think this would be as bad as breaking it in half, but not sure. Do you think that just a hairline fracture would be bad? Anyway, going to doc tomorrow, should know about healing time then.


Dec 31, 1969
sounds like a broken Scaphoid
Agreed! Did my right one in '98, 8 weeks (at least) before the pain was gone, I did ride with it though.

serge fortin

Sep 23, 2002
mine was just a hairline too first after 6 weeks in a cast ,it was still painful,but i tought it was just muscular,has i was anxious to go riding,i threw the yz250 02 into the back of the truck.By the way i broke it the first time casing a 75 foot triple that we had just made and roll through it without crashing.As lucky as i am 10 minutes into the ride front end washout on me and fell over on the left side try to break my fall with my left hand ,snap the stupid bone in half this time and there i am still waiting to get operated 2years after the first crash my doctor told me he will try a new surgery ,he will graft another piece of bone from my hips and a blood vessels to irrigate the bone .ill still be 6 months of work maybe more and at least 5months in a f______ cast.Like i said before go easy on the navicular it ended the career of ricky jonhson and a couple more rider like me .


Mar 6, 2002
i broke mine on the smallest little jump on the track, i had been riding all day then 10 mins before the track close i went for just a few more laps and cross rutted on the face of this small jump, it put me sideways in the air but wasnt high up enought to correct it,
put a slightly displacedfracture in my scaphoid. but worse was the fact the end of the bars hit my chin [under the helmet] and caused my bottomlip and cheeks to rip away from my jaw bone all around the bottom on my mouth,
so when i opened my mouth and looked in side i could see my exposed jaw all around the bottom of my gum!
wasnt in anyway visible from the outside, wierd [32 stitches]

the trauma guy didnt spot the cracked scaphiod, following day i went to see a ortho friend who spotted it and bolted it that afternoon.

good luck with the healing.


Mar 6, 2002
serge ask your doctor about a product called "op1"
its a bone morphagenic compound ,
basically a magic pixie dust u sprinkle on the bone which will encourage [as opposed to mearly facilitate] bone growth, this has been used for a while with good results in non union cases. it may be an option.

good luck


Dec 3, 2001
Well, got back from doc, had another set of xrays done after 2.5 weeks and he said he doesnt think its fractured, he wasn't 100% fractured first time got xray but it looked as if it were, so had to wait to see if healing tissue or whatever formed. So sent me home and told me to take it easy for awhile. And if it ever started to hurt, to go see him again and go from there. My wrist doesnt hurt at all now, but I could never tell because wasn't supposed to bend or touch it. I'm am very happy that its not fracured, atleast pretty sure it ain't, because I was starting to get house sick, and only after 2.5 weeks!

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