
Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I will be buying a new bike soon and I am trying to determine which bike to get. Here are my stats:

I am 5'10 and weigh 170-175 lbs.
I ride x-country, woods, and some MX

I am coming off of a YZ125 and looking to get out of the constant shifting and clutching riding that a 125 "offers".

I have ridden all of the bikes I listed and each has their good and bad points. I'll summarize what I have gathered to date:

++ gobs of power
+ no premix or frequent top-end jobs required
- weight
- starting "drill"
- feels top-heavy in the turns

+ no pre-mix and top-end jobs
+ easier to ride (less tiring) and lighter than 426
- starting "drill
-/+ ? down on power compared to 426 and different power delivery than 2-stroke

+ 2-stroke power hit
+ handling
+ weight
- top-end rebuilds and premix

Given what I know, I am still unsure as to which bike I want to live with. I am leaning towards the 426, but not by much...
What input can you guys add to the list? FWIW - I am looking at 2002 year model bikes. Help!!!

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Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
It would seem that way....

But is the 250 2-stroke going to be as versatile as the 4-strokes for my ventures into the woods and x-country rides/races?

So many bikes, so little time.



Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Man, this is IT? Is there no one with opions or experience that they can relate to this post?????

This is a heck of a quandry if you ask me...

More fuel for the fire:
Is the 2-stroke dead? What is all this EPA and California stuff coming down regarding 2-strokes in 2006????

I like 2-stroke power (hence the reason the '02 YZ 250 is thrown into the mix), but should the question REALLY be should I be looking at only the 426 and the 250F????

Come on guys... I would appreciate some real-world input here. I have ridden all the bikes in question (for short periods), but which one is the best to live with given the information I have provided?????



Oct 14, 2001
if your going thumper go 426. i rode my friends 250F in the woods, and honestly, the power sucks. good bottom but it signs off quick. altho his was bone stock. the suspension is great tho.


Oct 14, 2001
i would say get the 250F. top end rebuilds are not too difficult but if you would rather do without them then get the 4 stroke. if the 426 tires you out then you shouldn't have to ride it in long motos or x-country races. i have not riddne the 250F so i don't know how good it is in situations you'll be using it for, but with the high-low points you described, i drew my best logical conclusion. ramble over. :)


Nov 9, 2000
Having owned and ridden a 00-250, 00-426, I now have an 02-250f and like the bike much more than the others. The 426 felt top heavy and hard to control when I got tired, meaning I spent time taking a few soil samples. The 250 felt lighter than the 426 but at times was more like a light switch, either on or off. The 250f makes usable power for me and is fairly predictable. The bike has aerial manners somewhere in between a 125 and 250 two stroke. The bike feels lighter than a 250 but heavier than a 125. I am 5'10, 160 lbs, and ride mostly mx w/ some woods. I say get the 250f, adjust to it and you will like it. If you need gobs of power then maybe not, but the 250f makes plenty of power for me. Later-


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I tend to agree with you regarding the 250 2-stroke as a "light switch", my thinking was that if I settled for the '02 YZ250 that I'd put a flywheel weight on it to smooth out the hit. Now, do I really want to keep messing with pre-mix and top-end jobs?

The power of the 426 is alluring, but the times I have been on one it did feel top heavy. Sort of like it was carrying most of the weight at the gas tank. I am not a big person so perhaps I don't need the power of the 426 (or the added weight to wrestle with).

The 250F seems like a fair compromise between the two. Perhaps I need to ride one again to see if I like it. The last time I rode one I must admit I had a blast on it. Now, has anyone done the Eric Gorr 262cc power-up kit for the 250F? :aj:



May 21, 2001
First, top ends and premix = no problem
I think I'd go with the big bore 250f or the flywheeled yz250....any of those bikes would be good


Jun 29, 1999
The 250f feels top heavy to me though not as bad as the 426. They are good enough for open trails, poor for anything tight. Ie not versatile imo. If I was stuck on blue I'd only consider the 2 strokes.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by ride_red_15
i really dont like the 250F. then again im almost 6'1" and 185lbs.

But I do like the 250F and I am 6'2" and 195lbs. The bike has plenty of power for almost any trail situation. When the trails open up sometimes I wish for a little more, but not often. As for mention before about tight trails, I disagree. We have our share here in La. and the bike can and will rip through the tight stuff EASILY!!! My previous bike was a 2000 KTM 300 EXC and only rarely do I miss the extra power. And the bike I had before that was a 1999 KX 250, and for my money the 250F has been my best all around bike.


the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
My vote is for the 2-stroke. You get the lighter weight (like the 250F) but better power (like the 426). Even if you worked on smoothing it out or de-tuning it a little it would still have more juice than the 250F. Plus you won't have to ever worry about the starting issue - which I still see pop up from time to time with my buds who have them. Plus, like you said, it may be getting late to buy a 2-stroke so why not go out in a blaze of glory, right ? I think the 426 would be a bear in the woods on longer rides. The YZ 250 should handle great. Easy starting, lighweight, good handling, good power - and every day we get closer and closer to the likely last call of the 2-stroke. Alright ... I'm done now. Oh yeah ... my second vote would be for the 250F.
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May 20, 2001
If I was your size, I would be on a 250. My -00 YZ250 had a great motor that pulled cleanly from down low. The 426, to me, didn't have very good power, so I went for a 520 SX for strictly MX.

When talking about the mechanical side of things, I would have a two-stroke any day over a four-stroke. I can understand two-strokes. Four-strokes have too many things that can go wrong. I ride one simply because I need the power and rideability (big two-strokes make my arms numb with vibration, and yes I have ridden them enough to get used to them. 1,5 years of CR5s and now 1,5 years of the occasional blast on my dad's 380 SX).


Dec 31, 1969
"if your going thumper go 426. i rode my friends 250F in the woods, and honestly, the power sucks. good bottom but it signs off quick."

Not sure who's 250F you were riding, but I'd like to see someone get it to "sign-off" in the woods.

In the last 3 years, I've owned 3 bikes. 99' KX250 (EG310), 01' CR500AF, 01' YZ250F and enough time on a 01' 426 to dislike the weight and the fact that it doesn't like to turn. Great bike, just not for me. Shoot me Yamaha fans, but after riding Rich's CRF450, that would be my choice between those two. Sweet bike.

Hands down, no question, no doubt, I have the most fun, last longer and actually lap faster on the 250F. I'm 6-1, 200 lbs. And yes, it starts first or second kick, hot, cold, dropped, whatever. Jet it right, learn the drill, piece of cake.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Thanks for all the input guys. Based on what I know and what I am hearing it looks like the decsion is really between the 250 and the 250F.

I need to ride Twinnie's bike again!


dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Its strictly personal preference and all 3 are great bikes for the right rider. There are some good reasons why many prefer 2 stroke 250's in the woods (me included). Excellent power, light weight and feel, easy starting, etc...

I would prefer the YZ250 and expect to dial in the power delivery via jetting, flywheel weight and maybe silencer and reeds.

Premixing and top end jobs (2 stroke) are no big deal, IMO.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I ride a good mix. Right now it is 75% mx and 25% woods but before it was the opposite. I had a '93 WR250 that had an INCREDIBLE motor for the woods. It was ported by Eric Gorr and he made it really work well.

Even with that... I prefer the 250F in the woods. I like the way the power is and I really like being able to point and shoot between obstacles. The 13,500 rev limiter really makes things nice.



Feb 26, 2002
I currently ride a 02 WR250F with all the free mods and a FMF header and S/A. I ride mostly Idaho desert and woods. Last ride was a 501 Husaberg. The little 250 is far less tiring on long rides. You will also find that the smaller motor has less gyro effect, which you will be fighting every time you try to turn. I ride better for a longer period of time with the 250. Last weekend I rode a friends 02 YZ250 and it put a smile on my face. Good motor, power everywhere! Handles well but I don't think I would like it for woods work. I don't think maintence is a real issue, the 250F is a pretty bullet prof motor and we all know about the 250 2 stroke. I can't share any experence with the YZF426F, haven't ridden one. the only large 4 stroke I've been on is the 501 Husey. It also had a motor that will bring a smile to your face. Anyway good luck it's your choise. I really don't think there are any loosers here.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
Even with that... I prefer the 250F in the woods. I like the way the power is and I really like being able to point and shoot between obstacles. The 13,500 rev limiter really makes things nice.


Yeah... what he said!


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Jeff, You might try a Honda trail 70 for your riding skill. LOL, Just kidding. For the type of riding you do I would have to say the 250F. As Ivan said 13,500 is nice. Rockchucker has one in excellent condition for sale too.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000

That is awful nice of you to offer to loan me your bike, but I'd hate to scratch up your l'il honda... ;)

FWIW - I am now leaning towards the 250F. I have spoken w/ rockchucker about his bike and it is sweet, but I really want a new one (still in the crate!). There are some smoking deals on new 250F's out there and after all the crap that I am going through right now I figure a shiny new bike might be a nice treat for myself.


Big CR man

May 17, 2001
Where did that guy come from that said the 426 didnt have enough power ! He must be the master of all riders to think that he needs more power than a 426 has to offer . Frankly I havent seen a bike yet to pull away from my 426. These bikes rip . They are also a very smooth rip. You will definately regret not going with the 426. I have buddies that are your size and they make these bikes look light . They would never go back to a Two stroke after riding the thumper . How easy can it get , Low maintenance, Gobs of power and no premix. These bikes arent that heavy after you have owned one . I promise you will miss the extra power if you go to the 250F. . But I had a blast on my CR250 also . Not enough to ever buy one again , but it was cool at the time. If I ever get a second bike ( behind my 426 ) it will be a CR500. please do your self a favor and ride the piss out of a 426 for awhile, then you will see why everyone who has owned one has a permenant smile on their face .

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