
Dec 31, 1969
IndyMX said:
Never saw that movie..
Refused to watch it. Just don't get the draw... gay cowboys? Uh... no thanks.

Sorry to hear about life lost for those left behind, "star" or not, he was a "star" to someone.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Okiewan said:
Refused to watch it. Just don't get the draw... gay cowboys? Uh... no thanks.
Funny that you should mention that, just that way.
I've always thought the joking gay bashing and borderline homophobia on this forum its one weakness, unfortunately. I've not seen the movie, but that is just because despite 2 big screen t.v.s and a movie theatre, I never see anything! Just like the dirtbike I rarely get to ride.

My understanding of the movie was that it was a human relationship story- solitude, love, people who aren't overtly emotional who have ties they can't acknowledge, etc. Explores our concept of love, so to speak.. Seems like things you'd be able to look at with an open mind Okie. But then again, I am repulsed by programs about serial killers who torture and maim women, or dark family dramas, so I guess I've got my deep-rooted fears and creep outs, too.

Okie said:
Sorry to hear about life lost for those left behind, "star" or not, he was a "star" to someone.

Just looking at the young actor's many credits. WOW. A lot of respected films there, most of which I haven't seen, unfortunately. I watched him with my girl in a Knight's tale . Good kids movie. And Batman. I'm not into moviefandom, but wow, he had a lot of versality in his accomplishments. An actor I actually liked!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
He was a good actor, I really enjoyed his movies. It is a sad loss indeed.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
I've always thought the joking gay bashing and borderline homophobia on this forum its one weakness, unfortunately.

I see it as a strength.......hasn't taken the P.C. road to hell like most of the the rest of the world. Nothing against Heath, I just don't want to watch some agenda driven flick about gay cowboys. And no, I am not a homophobe....just a white male, Christian, heterosexual person with an attitude and an opinion. Oh, I am Irish and German too, dammit ;)

Just looking at the young actor's many credits. WOW.

Yes, he was a very talented guy and it is sad to see one of God's children leave us at a young age. :(


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I hate to hear when anyone passes too young, we should all live to at least 100, no reason not to. Except issues. That is part of being human. I flat out refuse to watch a movie that recognizes in-human sexual behaviors. What next, a guy and his sheep? Sexually demented individuals should seek help. This site has them coming out of the woodwork, I have never seen any gay bashing around here, they are really like that! Homophobia used to not be a word, guess who made it up? Strictly all my opinion and story.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
I hate to hear when anyone passes too young, we should all live to at least 100, no reason not to. Except issues. That is part of being human. I flat out refuse to watch a movie that recognizes in-human sexual behaviors. What next, a guy and his sheep? Sexually demented individuals should seek help. This site has them coming out of the woodwork, I have never seen any gay bashing around here, they are really like that! Homophobia used to not be a word, guess who made it up? Strictly all my opinion and story.

My decoder ring doesn't have a setting for posts this obtuse, so would you mind explaining to the rest of us who can't decipher your personal brand of FoxSpeak WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
That makes a whole lot more sense. Thanks. :cool:


Dec 31, 1969

I've read and enjoyed your critiques in the photography forum; very insightful, thoughtful, etc... I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.


I do not enjoy, condone or otherwise approve of the "homosexual lifestyle" or "Choice" or whatever the phrase of the day is .... I do not accept the the tittle of "Homophobe" due to these beliefs .... as anti-politically correct as that may be.

Trust me when I say that my disgust in the perversion called homosexuality has ZERO to do with my own sexuality, I'm quite comfortable in my own skin, thanks.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Okiewan said:

I've read and enjoyed your critiques in the photography forum; very insightful, thoughtful, etc... I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.


I do not enjoy, condone or otherwise approve of the "homosexual lifestyle" or "Choice" or whatever the phrase of the day is .... I do not accept the the tittle of "Homophobe" due to these beliefs .... as anti-politically correct as that may be.

Trust me when I say that my disgust in the perversion called homosexuality has ZERO to do with my own sexuality, I'm quite comfortable in my own skin, thanks.

Amen brother!


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
It's funny how well people handle differences of opinions. It is interesting to see what they focus on. Thanks for hearing my minority opinion on that and all your interesting responses. Especially yours Okie, because you heard half of what I was saying, if not the greater point that I heard it was a good story. But you also answered my question- which was far too personal for me to ask, or even want to know. So, thanks sharing your personal beliefs. Since the majority of the posters after me wanted to tell me their opinions on homosexuality let me add the following.

I have a pretty good sense of humor, and, unfortunately a mean streak a mile long. But, I wonder about time and place with those things.

When I see the line crossed, I ask myself what one's sexual orientation has to do with dirtbiking or motorcycles- any more than my opinions about race, or Christianity? If I hate Christians or Muslims because they have messed up society for centuries, every time I disagree with someone and grow weary of them I should call them a name showing my disdain for Christians and Muslims? Or for that matter maybe I can routinely share my opinions about the appropriateness of guys who look at porn or scantily clad pictures of teenage girls? I mean, you guys don't want my opinions on those things, right? It's tiresome, yes?

As a mom, I have many many many opinions, none of which you guys would like to hear. I have zero desire to know anyone's sexual practices, quirks or otherwise, or, frankly their moral opinions on what God told them personally is okay. I want to know how to ride my bike. I want to laugh a bit along the way. I want to pick up some tips for fixing things on my own, so me and my daughter can do this on our own.

I like kindness, helpfulness, building people up, good natured ribbing (not hate ribbing- although I bet I could dust all of you in the meanspirited category, mom or no, as it was a family tradition), people who write semi coherently, gorgeous pictures and things which speak to making the world a better place.

I've enjoyed the benefit of all those things here. So thanks for that. A true amen.


Dec 18, 2006
I saw the movie and it was OK. The movie would have been way better, love story or not, had the cowboys ridden dirt bikes instead of horses.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Pushin50 said:
I saw the movie and it was OK. The movie would have been way better, love story or not, had the cowboys ridden dirt bikes instead of horses.
Still would not watch it. And for what its worth, if Ellen Degenerative starred with her current better half, I still would not watch it.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
not sure what happened here, but a dude died. I don't care if he played a gay cowboy, a heterosexual spaceman, or a purple people eater, it sucks when something like this happens to someone so young. Did he do himself in? I don't know. If he did, it's too bad someone else didn't see the signs before the bad hooey went down.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
He played a part in a movie I chose not to support with my hard earned money for my own personal reasons. No actor in any role in any movie has had an effect on me that caused me any life changes and once I finished watching I walked away and went back to my life.
Do I feel bad about his passing - yes. Will his passing have an effect on me one way or another - no. I feel bad for his friends and family for their loss but if rumors of drug abuse turns out to be true I guess he gambled and lost. Someone will step in and replace him in the next role, the sun will rise and set, and someday down the road I to will pass


Oct 10, 2007
what is it with these people who " have it all" and then throw it all away ?? makes me look at my life.i may not have a bunch of material things, and of course somethings always going wrong or tearing up, but at the end of the day i can kick back , drink a cold one, and it all goes away.maybe being dad, brother, son,and your average john q public aint a bad thing after all. :nod: prayers to him and his family.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
what is it with these people who " have it all" and then throw it all away ??

Who said that was what happened?

From what I read he had sleeping issues and may have taken too many pills.

I don't think we need to jump to conclusions.

If it is ruled that it was a suicide THEN we can open the philosophical discussion as to why people who we think have it all do such things.

But until then, to assume the cause of death is unfair to him, his family and those that care about him.



Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
truespode said:
Who said that was what happened?

From what I read he had sleeping issues and may have taken too many pills.

I don't think we need to jump to conclusions.

If it is ruled that it was a suicide THEN we can open the philosophical discussion as to why people who we think have it all do such things.

But until then, to assume the cause of death is unfair to him, his family and those that care about him.

I may have misunderstood the radio this morning but I thought I heard drug overdose and you are correct that also could mean accidental and until a final determinatyion the benefit of a doubt is owed him.

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