
Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I just got a new helmet after a year & a half with my Fly Lite II Tim Ferry Replica (everybody remember them on closeout at Motosport Outlet for cheap a year ago?). Before I bought it, I was wanting to confirm the Snell rating. Someone at Snell gave me a quick reply to my inquiry.

Also of note: there are only a few companies that actually manufacture their own helmets. KBC & HJC make most of the less expensive lids. And, I think a few different brands' ratings were actually for other helmets with different labels i.e. Clothing Brand X's helmet isn't listed on the Snell website, but it's the same helmet as Clothing Brand Y's helmet, which is listed. Go figure.

Another thing I learned recently- removable liners come in two categories- those that have an outer layer that snaps in & out easily, and those that are one piece that come out whole, or maybe in three peices like cheek pads & liner. The former are much, much easier to remove/install, making routine cleaning simple. On my Fly & older HJC, the main liner has a plastic edge that is pressed into the rim of the helmet in the front & back.

So the other day I tried on an Arai. Didn't like it. I was disappointed, too, because in my wierd mental way the name Arai was o.k. (yes, I have a huge list of brand names that I cannot buy, just because of the name). The newer Fly Lite fit me much better. But I had extra dough (read: gift certificates) to blow so I got my first expensive helmet- a Shoei VFXR Air. It's almost as light as my Fly Lite II, I think Shoei lists it around 1300 grams (2.86 lbs), whereas the Fly is listed at 1250 grams (2.75 lbs). I couldn't tell a difference in weight of any of the helmets I tried on at the shop (HJC ACX-2, Arai, Bell Moto 7, Fox Pilot, Fly Lite, Thor SVXR). Fit made so much more difference. That, and the goggle port. Hated the Bell & Arai in that regard.

I'll keep wearing the Fly for a little longer, as I've only had it for a year with no head crashes, just smacked a few low hanging tree limbs. The paint is peeling off, the graphics are crooked, the liner is wearing badly, and the trim around the eye port is coming off. After hanging out with the Shoei for a few nights (it sits on the coffee table in the living room... to hell with the wife's protests) I think these will not be issues. You can hardly tell the graphics are decals, they're perfect, the visor is one solid color and very flexible, and the fit & finish are superb.

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