
Aug 3, 2009
Hey I was wondering if Quaker State 2 cycle oil is a good mix for a cr85, and what ratio should I use. And also what a good brand to use when changing the other oil..



Feb 17, 2010
yep it is all good play around with the ratios and types of gas for instance my bike loves premium and not regular or mid-grade, just see what it likes
- 24:1 if you ride or hard or race, maybe 20:1 if your real aggressive
- 40:1 if you ride easy and never punish your engine, 50:1 if you ride like a granny
- 32:1 STANDARD OEM if you ride somewhere in between is most recommended
Remember you can never have too much oil, the more oil=more protection and even makes more power/ less oil=less protection and less power but less smoke and less mess... its all preference and how your bike reacts
P.S. as for the "other oil" lol just go to a motorcycle shop and ask for their opinion i use 16oz of Bel Ray 80w gear oil or something like that it is pink and very thin and i assume it is just high priced automatic transmission oil but who wants to risk it... dont use car engine oil!

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