Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Well, since we are sorta family, and it is the time that families get together ....

How about lunch on Saturday, November 23rd at the Ranchman Cafe in Ponder Texas. They have a big back room we can spread out in and killer chicken fried steaks, fries, and homemade rolls. Also some of the best pies on the planet.

Ponder is just south of Denton west of I35W about 2~3 miles. Easy to get to. Post if your interested, and pass it on to anyone in earshot of Denton.


Check the bottom of the thread, we are getting together on the 21st of December as well!!
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AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
I can't make it. My youngest has an outdoor activity that day. Park cleanup or something like that.

You might also find that a few people are going to be out for the Amarillo ride that same weekend.

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
I think I can make it. I'm pretty flexible for the next few weekends.

Like the idea, just bad timing. We'll be out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving.

Evenslower, do you guys have a weeklong feast??? :yeehaw:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Alternate Saturday dates are not too good for me in the near term. We always do the the family gig the weekend following Thanksgiving and the 7th and 14th are already toast. Knowing that we all will have our Christmas shopping complete, we could get together the Sat before Christmas, which is the 21st. For that matter we could get together some weekday evening, somewhere.

I had forgot about Amarillo .... since I can't ride, I have been avoiding those threads. :)



N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
Not sure about the feast part but the weeklong part is for sure. We only make it home about 2-3 times a year and my grandparents won't travel quite this far. This year our daughters 1st b-day is on Thanksgiving so if we didn't let our families spend at least a week with her we'd probably be in hot water!!!!!! After all, she's the one they really want to see.

I've been looking forward to it. Think we'll even get to do some fishing and duck hunting while I'm there. MMMMMM, roasted duck.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Ahh, I'd love to, but I got this school thing all frickin day. Will be at the Buddy race the next day though. Maybe let's plan this ahead a little more in december maybe?


May 8, 2001
tony........those steaks are pretty good. ive been there but it was a few years ago. oh let me tell you about how cool lake makenzie was. arent you a mtb fan? there is some really killer terrain out there. think moab at 3100ft. lots of very technical downhill stuff is possible. there would be lots hills that couldnt be pedaled but wow the downhill stuff is really cool. hardpack trail with all kinds of variety. best of all is that nobody is there. took me 5 hrs to get there and i would do it again next weekend if i could get permission. get better tony so we can ride.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Love mountain bikes, got cleared today to ride the 12 Miles of Hell in March.  Last year it was 18 degrees F at the start.  I finished 365th but I finished!  I think it was the same weekend everybody was at MacKenzie last year.  Next time we can go up together.

I still will not be able to train until late January because my foot is swollen, but the pin is OUT.

I read your report about doing the MTB loop.  Man I miss it.  I love scoots, but there is something really satisfying about doing it without a motor and working up a real sweat that is more like a glow.  Between my road bike, mountain bike and my scoot, I should be in a lot better shape this time next year.  Besides the neat part about riding bikes is you can absolutely pig out on food if you are cranking out enough miles.

I am already committed to RAGBRIA, 12 Miles of Hell, Canyon Bike Classic and the Hotter than Hell 100.

Regarding Ponder, everybody check your calendars for the 21st of December.



Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Ok, 21st? Should be able too depending on when I have to work, but that schedule won't be out for a while. What time we talking?

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
11:30 .. beat the crowd!


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
Count XR Guy and I in. We may be camped out at the local State Park(Lake Ray Roberts), and maybe some of you could come back to the park with us and enjoy a barley pop(Dr. Pepper for Eric and me ;) ) around the fire?


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Oh, I'm sure I won't be able to do anything afterwards. I'll definately have to go to work at some point that day, when, well that I don't know. We're open until 11 that night, so I'll probably work a late enough shift that I'll be able to go eat, but beyond that, I doubt it. Thanks for the invite though.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Grab lunch, BS, etc.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
OK, Everyone ..... I'm in for next week.

Ponder Steak House (aka Ranchman Cafe) 11:30 AM on the 21st.

With TX, XR and Stan that makes it four.

What about ....

  • slo' mo ......................................1,2,3 or 4
  • Blackhawk468
  • tx246
  • yzguy15 ....................................? 
  • ymaharider19 ...........................1 or 2
  • evenslower ...............................1
  • TwinSpar
  • Thump
  • All the other guys and gals I haven't met or named in the DFW area!!

Bring your family, the back room is huge!

They have the best blackberry cobbler on the planet and you can get Blue Bell on top.

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slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
slo' mo will be there if I am not out of town.


Thump doesn't want to scare Hotpants by surounding her with a bunch of freaks (oh, wait, she went to DW didn't she?)

Twinspar is an alter ego of Taraker that was taken over by a454elf, so there's a no-show  :)


Jenny (Blackhawk) can outride all of us so she's not allowed :)


what about it, JeffD?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Tony Eeds

What about ....

  • tx246

technically, tx246 is a heartland spode. we'll let you borrow him. come to think of it, we're really not that fond of him anyway. you can have him. :debil:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

Yea ... But he is closer to Ponder than the rest of us!!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
tx246 is a HS rep.  He will help you in the fine art of "pigging out". 


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Originally posted by slo' mo
Twinspar is an alter ego of Taraker that was taken over by a454elf, so there's a no-show  :)

I'm hurt man.... :whiner: ;)

Wish I could make it but I MUST get out and ride.  I've only ridden twice since coming back from DW.  I'm jonesin for some jumps.... hell... I'd be happy with a flat field at this point! :|

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