Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
We just got back a few hours ago. The weather and conditions were splendid -in the 60's, sunny and zero dust. 75 ground miles of some very sweet single track. Some of it was tight and some flowed pretty well. There were a lot of Michigan riders down there, I'd bet close to 20. They had about 435 riders. Sandy trails with lots of roots showing and some sections were pretty choppy. There were some whoops in spots when I go there on row 62. AL Randt, Cory Caulkins, Napper, Leroy Keen and my self were in the MI/EE crew. I don't know how Cory ended up in his class but he dais he was happy with his ride. Al took second in Senior A class, Leroy Keen our state champ just got back on a bike for the firs time since breaking his collar bone and just took it cool and rode trail so he didn't place. Napper was having fun but I think a root caused a little deflection and he ended up clipping his handlebars on a tree and it sent him into another tree which he hit pretty hard so he took the rest of the day off. He's OK, but pretty sore. I took a nice trail ride didn't wic it up and tried to ride smart and mistake free. Had had a few bobbles and tip overs but managed to finish, have fun and ended up 5th in my class. It was a really good time, reminded me of enduros here in Michigan back in the 70's. The best part was riding the bike in beautiful weather on awesome dirt, it was like May in Michigan. Spring is gettin closer, next stop will be the Roselawn Enduro in April. Can't wait! :thumb:
Edit, I was tired and didn't mention ACE GAS MAN, fatherandson. He rode his bike 120 miles down there scouting the road crossings, spectator spots and even was a chase rider for me in the last half after gas so he got a nice taste of the trails there..and he didn't have to pick me off the ground once! Thanks Mike and sorry I forgot you in the original post.
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Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Cool report Fred... I can feel the tulips pushing through the snow already!

I thought that F&S was going down too.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Great report! The weather was warm this weekend hit the mid 50's, But way to much ice uder the mud to have any real fun.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Thanks Fred! I needed that report REAL bad!! Sounds like you guys had a blaa and THATS what its all about..

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Good Job Guys,
Congrats Fred!
The warm weather yesterday sure felt like a ride, still to much snow!

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