
Feb 10, 2004
Hey guys,

I'm thinking of maybe going to Muenster or Twin Hills Cycle Ranch (never been to twin hills) approximately end of May or so. I'd like to camp out Friday night and ride Saturday and Sunday. Anyone wanna go?


Jul 11, 2001
Darron, I'm game for Muenster almost anytime. But I'd like to hit the Kiamichi again, maybe on Memorial Day weekend.

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004

I am guessing that camping space would be hard to find at the Talimena Camp Ground on the Holiday weekend unless you go early Friday. There are many other places in the area to rough it. I go on top of the Kiamichi Mountain and drive up fire road from the little rest area on top. You can go either way (east or west) on the fiire road. I camp where I find a suitable open spot. There is plenty of trails. Most are fire trails and logging roads with minumum rock dogging (for the area).

I am still open and undecided for the Holiday weekend. I am leaning towards an overnight at Munster so I can spent some time around the house. Honey Do's and Fix-its backing up.

I enjoyed the group ride last time. If more go to the Okie Mountain Area again, I might be convinced to change plans.


Jul 11, 2001
I should have been a little more careful at Muenster Wednesday. Stuck my foot in a hole while going up a hill, and twisted the right ankle pretty badly. Roger and Darryl never looked back (jerks); had to limp back to camp and load my bike alone (sniff). Had it X-rayed Thursday. Nothing broken, but I'm wearing a bootie for a while. It's nice and colorful--purples, blues, and greens. I hope to ride the 22nd though.


Feb 7, 2002
Boy I tell ya', back when I was your age, we just tuffed it out and rode another 200 miles just to make it worth taking an asprin! Men these days... what a bunch of sissies! :laugh: ;)

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
JMD, you are suppose to break bike parts and not damage body parts. I hope you heal quick. Duct tape does wonders for ankle support when you want to ride bad enough.

I ordered my bike parts so I should be ready by end of month for some more riding. I am working 7 days a week now and plan to come up missing on the holiday weekend if that is what it takes to go riding/camping. If I keep working all the OT, I may have a few additional parts by the holiday weekend. I am still drooling over the thought of a Talimena trip. :eek:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I'd like to go to Muenster on the 30th or so, if anybody is up for it. 29th is graduation, so the 30th would be a good day to get out and go ride. I'd like to take the little lady out and try and teach her to ride the ttr on some trail, she does pretty good in the field, needs something a little more challenging. Anybody else thinking about goin that weekend?


Feb 7, 2002
It's looking like I'll be camping at Muenster for the weekend. I need to spend some time with my "better-half" and my dogs AND ride, so Muenster it is.

JMD, YZ GUY and all spodes... how does that sound?

JMD - How's the foot??


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
This weekend? This weekend I'm racing TCCRA at Crafton. But I think I'd like to go to Muenster the following Sunday, May 30th.


Feb 7, 2002
Keetoman said:
Wish I could make it guys. I will be without insurance for the next 60 days so I will have to not ride. :(

Luckily with the heat rising you won't miss much.

I know the feeling, 6 month for me. It went up to $1,120 @ month and I dropped it! You really need it though.


Mar 16, 2003
Enduro_Nut said:
Luckily with the heat rising you won't miss much.

I know the feeling, 6 month for me. It went up to $1,120 @ month and I dropped it! You really need it though.

Wow, glad I don't have to provide insurance for myself! :eek:

It is almost time for me to tear the bike down and inspect everything before our Colorado trip anyway. I just wanted a couple more rides first! Looks like I will be posting morenow :aj:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Seriously Keeto, there's something that's keeping us from being able to ride/meet. It seems like there's something every single time. Be careful man.

I'll have to start working on making this happen for the 30th. I know me and my girlfriend are going to a party at my friend's land in Caddo Mills on the 29th, but I don't see why we can't come home and go ridin the next day. We may get out there a little late, but nobody is leaving early on Saturady are they? I need to call Jeff. Maybe he'll be in town and can get his bunch in on this.


Mar 16, 2003
yzguy15 said:
Seriously Keeto, there's something that's keeping us from being able to ride/meet. It seems like there's something every single time. Be careful man.

I'll have to start working on making this happen for the 30th. I know me and my girlfriend are going to a party at my friend's land in Caddo Mills on the 29th, but I don't see why we can't come home and go ridin the next day. We may get out there a little late, but nobody is leaving early on Saturady are they? I need to call Jeff. Maybe he'll be in town and can get his bunch in on this.

I am the mysterious one! :nener: I may come out nd camp anyway. I need a break before the new job starts!

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
I see a Munster trip developing here. I was seriously thinking about Talimena but had so much fun with this bunch last trip that I rather ride with all you. Munster is only a hour from my house so I may show up with a tent or just for a day.

Do they have showers at munster or is that wishful thinking? I never spent the night and never looked for showers. The red river and a bar of soap after a days ride; I want to think about that for a while. :ride:
Last edited:


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
I have been, and will continue to be riding almost every weekend with the exception of this coming one(5/22). With school out next week, I will also be able to do more weekday riding. When I rode with Roger last, he made the mistake of offering me a ride there next time. Little does he know that I will probably take him up on it! :)


Jul 11, 2001
No showers, except in Mrs. Harris's little cottage by the front gate. You could ask her if you could shower there. In fact, no need to ask; just show up at her door in a towel with your soap-on-a-rope and a long-handled scrub brush, and just say, "Hey, Toots, is there room in the shower for two?" And give her a sly wink. You'll be home free.

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
Whooa. I might end up missing a few body parts or worse. I think I will take my chances in the River. :yeehaw:

How is you ankle doing? Are you going to be back in riding shape for the Holiday weekend?


Jan 2, 2004
Hey JMD and enduro nut. I'm back from work . Ready to ride . Just let me know when and where ? I might have to still gas from neighbors to be able to ride but I'll be there . Ready to ride the Husky . I have to go to My nephews graduation on Saturday 22 and on the 27through the 3rd of June I've family
coming in from Ohio . The rest of the days are open . 27th through the 3rd I might be able to squeeze
a ride in . Yall old farts are falling apart .


N. Texas SP
Apr 11, 2004
Hi Darron,

Good to hear you're back riding again. My sons and I are going to Muenster this Friday (5/21). I'll keep an eye on what you guys have planned for the weekend of the 29th. Maybe we can join you. (We're ready to ride every weekend, or as much as Mom allows!).


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