Ok, ok...I'm cancelling MXA


Dec 31, 1969
You guys are brutal! All the other mags are wrong, they, being the only true socal mx'ers, are the only ones willing to dis the big red wing and tell the truth! You should be thankful... they just saved you some big buckage on that CRF purchase.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by nephron

Care to kill two birds with one stone here? (Enlighten me, humiliate him):debil:

It's not worth going into. Let's just say it's fairly clear that our intrepid MXA editor Tim Olson can't recognize when he's bringing a pointy stick to a gun fight. It always amuses me when some pencil neck spouts off about how they want to kick me ass. :silly: (The internet seems to foster this behaviour)

The funny thing is they never seem as anxious when they meet me in real life. It must be my sparkling off-line personality that turns the tide.:) L M A O


May 16, 2001
Talking behind his back

I'll clarify Rich's little statement.

I don't like the guy based on his holier than though attitude. Then again a lot of people don't like us because of our holier than though attitude.

So before, at or during the Indy trade show last year I said to someone (can't remember their names, might have been the Rev guys) that I'd love to meet him person just to see if he was as fun loving a person in real life as he is on the internet.

From that Rich thought I wanted to fight. Unfortunately for him I'd rather beat him on the track then in the parking lot as I'm sure he could whoop my butt. Fist fighting has never been one of my strong suits.


Tim Olson
Motocross Action

PS. Maybe we'll get to meet this year if I get to go again.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Here's a SHOCKER. I heard a different story from a couple of people I trust without reservation (FYI, it wasn't the REV! guys) . You haven't exactly built up any trust/intergrity points with me (or too many other people from what I can tell) so you'll have to excuse me if I don't take your word for it.

For the record there is no holier than MXA attitude. Personally I don't think you guys are getting paid off by Yamaha, or Honda or whoever, and my posts reflect that. I do know you guys are technically inept, haven't the first clue how to conduct a valid repeatable test, and gloss over facts in an effort to protect your advertising base. Jody has specifically said he's in the "ENTERTAIMENT business", so it's clear why you guys might view facts and accuracy as burdensome liabilities.
While I'll be the first to admit this is probably a very good business practice, it's HORRIBLE journalism. If you guys didn't try and pretend you were the keepers of the truth it would be easier to ignore this, but when you portray yourself in that light it shouldn't surprise you that someone might take you to task.
Lots of people feel the way I do but are too civilized to express the opinion. Frankly I don't care if people think I'm an a-hole for taking magazine jokers to task for inaccurate information and the "trust us, we are smarter than YOU" style of journalism you are so fond of.
BACK IT UP OR PACK IT UP is the advice a great tuner once gave me and it was the best advice I ever got. You might not like my attitude but I defy you to find a technical post of mine that isn't accurate or can't be backed up. Think you clowns can say the same Tim?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
-Yes, Rich is built like a brick wall and about as solid as one.
-No, most folks would not want to start something with him unless thay had a large metal bar. (although I have gotten the drop on him);)
-Yes, Rich IS as fun loving in real life as he is on the Internet, maybe more so.
-No, I don't REALLY think you guys are paid off directly by Yamaha, etc... but you have to admit it sure looks that way to a casual observer.
-Yes, Rich is VERY technically demanding of both those that provide information as well as of himself. If everyone took a similar stance we all would be MUCH better off.

I really do hope you get to meet Rich at Indy this year, I would urge you to do so. You will find him a very interesting individual with massive amounts of technical information he can back up and a good sense of humor. Now as far as the whole parking lot thing, well... sorry I won't be there ;)


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Can anybody that wants to go the the Indy Trade Show? I'd like to meet Rich and Tim. I'd even wear my new MXA limited edition shirt, but I already got sketti sauce on it.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by VintageDirt
Can anybody that wants to go the the Indy Trade Show

It's a dealer/trade only show but a friendly dealer can usually help you get in.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

It's a dealer/trade only show but a friendly dealer can usually help you get in.
Oh. Indy is kinda far anyway. Besides, I've already sworn to attend DW02. Maybe you and Tim could make it out to Frank Crosby's Albuquerque Sports Show in February. Last year they had a band, a boxing kangaroo, trout fishing, midgets on unicycles and everything.

Tim: there was an insightful/spiteful comment on one of your esteemed competitors web sites. They said, "It’s also cool to study how MXA has changed so greatly over the years, going from hero covers of stars from both Europe and America, to just Americans, then pretty much just their test riders and editors, and finally mostly hardware cover." Do you, as editors, make a conscious decision to change direction? Or, does it just happen over the years? Do you have the editorial freedom to make MXA anything you think it should be? Or does The Big Guy in the penthouse office pull the plug on your efforts?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I'd venture a guess it's like the Dallas Cowboy "coaching" decisions.:)

Here's a little precursor to what may be happening soon. Next time your at the news stand in the middle of the month see what dirt magazines are left. :eek: (the writing is on the wall nobody's just bought the ad space yet.):debil:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Tim I have created a solution to create a safe environment for you at Indy. I can virtually assure you 110% that you will see no harm what so ever from Rich. It's as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Buy two plane tickets.
2. Give one to Jody.
3. Do not stand too close to Jody.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Patman
Tim I have created a solution to create a safe environment for you at Indy. I can virtually assure you 110% that you will see no harm what so ever from Rich. It's as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Buy two plane tickets.
2. Give one to Jody.
3. Do not stand too close to Jody.


Apr 20, 2001

Why hasn't been there any reply from tolson to John Curea's post on the first page dated 11/5? It sounds like they royally screwed them by offering a test of their products in MXA and then reneging on the deal after MX-TECH went all the way to Cali. I can put up with the pompousness and bad attitude journalism of MXA because I'm fairly sure there has to be a changing of the guard soon (this group has been around far too long), but when you talk about outright screwing somebody and then not even replying it's enough to make me seriously rethink subscribing. Maybe I missed the reply or misinterpreted the whole context but the integrity of MXA to fellow riders is paramount to my respect for the organization and whether I'll do business with them. I'll take their opinions and filter them as I wish but don't go around inviting people for a product review and then blowing them off without even a reason or reply. That's the lowest form of life on the planet.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
No you did not miss a MXA reply reguarding MX-Tech. Tim blushed over it. Maybe something for a future issue? I doubt it. Why I would bet the MXA Wrecking Crew wouldn't know the difference between a blown out suspension component and a functioning one if somebody hit them over the head with it. Maybe I'm being over the top here though. Let's wait for a reply.:silly:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999

Originally posted by pvb
It sounds like they royally screwed them by offering a test of their products in MXA and then reneging on the deal

Gee, Jody and his weasel squad screwing someone over in testing? That would NEVER happen.
Tim why don't you share with us some of the stories about running some small tuning company's test engines without any oil in the gas so the engines blow up, or some of the other "mishaps" that come from submitting a product to the wrecking crew for testing. Boy you guys must really be HARD on bikes .:silly:

You guys can believe what you want about these glad handing magazine scum bags, but don't for a second think they have your best interest as a reader at heart.:silly:


Apr 20, 2001

Gee, do you remember the good 'ol days of Pete Szilagyi and the "Baz"? Or even when Dick Miller was running the ship? Who let this band of misfits and reprobates in the gate?


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Fear Not Motophiles

For one day I, VintageDirt, will rule over all of the Hi-Torque empire. I will use my great and wise power to steer a new course for the mighty Hi-Torque ship. Even as we speak, a new deal is in the making (see spy photo below).


  • 1merickroland.jpg
    42.6 KB · Views: 483
Last edited:


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001

What the hell is so hard about just publishing something that's informative as possible, reasonably objective, AND positive. And no one is even asking you to speak in technically competent terms. Furthermore, you're just making fools out of yourselves attempting to do so. Give it up, and leave it to someone else.

Also, what makes you think you have to make derogatory comments about any & all that YOU don't like? What are you achieving, bud? It's lame, juvenile, & poor journalism. I think it was MXRacer who did a review of the new KX's. You could smell them not liking the bikes, but they really said nothing overtly insulting--and certainly not in a lame, overly beaten down metaphorical manner (as you do). They even pointed out their "potential", referring to Pro Circuit's use of the KX in their program. Nothing wrong with that.

Like I said before, it's good evidence that not ONE of your staff has a useful degree beyond high school, & have spent little time even studying trials, statistics & such. Or, is it you're all geniuses, but you simply ignore your best intentions & proceed with what will sell?

It would be classic to line you clowns up in a truely randomized & double blinded bike trial. You'd make fools out of yourselves, & it wouldn't even develop beyond the successful differentiation of an 02CR250 vs. ...well, you fill in the blank. I'm tired.

As far as threatening someone physically--what a moron. Grow up, or I'll beat the shat out of ya' with the business end of my stethescope. ;)


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by nephron
It would be classic to line you clowns up in a truely randomized & double blinded bike trial. You'd make fools out of yourselves, & it wouldn't even develop beyond the successful differentiation of an 02CR250 vs. ...well, you fill in the blank. I'm tired.
That is a grrreat idea! It could be the biggest thing since--well--since something really big. It could be a motojournalist challenge of the century. Only thing I don't quite understand is, how do you ride a motorcycle blindfolded?

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by VintageDirt
Only thing I don't quite understand is, how do you ride a motorcycle blindfolded?

Jody has been riding with his head up his ass for years, so the transition should be seamless.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

Jody has been riding with his head up his ass for years, so the transition should be seamless.
Hmmm, there is yet another joke in there somewhere. But I'm not going after it.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Go for it Wes, you know you want to :)

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