
Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I just got an awesome birthday present today, I actually got a preview of the next story, and it looks like it will be another great read :yeehaw: No I wont give out any spoilers, and I dont believe he is ready to start posting it yet (at least until the first story is done) but he was just looking for input about the story ideas. OK I will give one spoiler, I did see a KTM in the story, but you will need to wait for the rest. :p


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
Hhhmmm...schools been out for a while now. Still no story. Looks like this thread might be dead. Such a shame. All that wasted talent. Guess I'll just have to watch "Winners Take All" for the 700th time to get my fix. :|


May 3, 2008
FYI DirtBike_freak i started reading this at 11:18 it is now 4:32 and i think that means ive been reading this thread from start to finish for about 5 hours? :yikes: and i think you should make this into a transcript and wait till your older and publish it or make a movie and you said itt would be hard to make a movie think of Supercross The Movie ya know? :cool:
thank you so much for an awesome way to use my monday :rotfl: just my $.02 :nod: and i like the smilies Well, keep riding! Jack, OUT! :ride:


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Jack-Dirtbike_freak (aka K1) has become a bit reclusive since becoming an author, so I'll have to act as his spokesmom. I think it is pretty cool that a kid of that age has managed to entertain so many people, and just as importantly...That there are so many great people to encourage him.

Now K1- um.... Quit goofin off and post this thing up already or I'm coming out there to get it!

Minor hijack to Kyle the younger since K1 is hiding out- K2- I've heard you've had some good racing?


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
fatcat216 said:
Jack-Dirtbike_freak (aka K1) has become a bit reclusive since becoming an author, so I'll have to act as his spokesmom. I think it is pretty cool that a kid of that age has managed to entertain so many people, and just as importantly...That there are so many great people to encourage him.

Now K1- um.... Quit goofin off and post this thing up already or I'm coming out there to get it!

Minor hijack to Kyle the younger since K1 is hiding out- K2- I've heard you've had some good racing?
Am i K2? If i am then yeah i've been doin pretty good. 5 race wins this year, hoping for 10 in all this season. Tried to make it to loretta's but i couldnt go to the regional qualifier :(


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
yes, you are K2. Geez where ya been? K1 has been keeping me up to date- sort of. Heard about the Loretta's. HS next year or 1 more to go? We lose you two to TT? What's up with K1 not wrapping this thing up? He's racing pretty well this year, himself, yes?


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
fatcat216 said:
yes, you are K2. Geez where ya been? K1 has been keeping me up to date- sort of. Heard about the Loretta's. HS next year or 1 more to go? We lose you two to TT? What's up with K1 not wrapping this thing up? He's racing pretty well this year, himself, yes?
Yeah K1 has been ridin prety good, which surprised me because he didnt ride all winter.
Im just not on the computer as much as I used to be, and the only thing that i ever look at on TT is the pics and videos section, I still like the people and here more.
K1 really needs to finish it. Sometimes when im at his house I try to get him to work on it but he doesnt want me to see any of it :whoa:


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
K2-Don't feel too bad that he won't let you read it. I heard he's kept the whole project top secret from the higherups.

You guys have a track at your house, is that right? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be internetting too often if I had a track anywhere less than 2 1/2 hours away. You've definitely got your priorities right and it shows in your races/grades. EXCELLENT JOB.

Please keep us posted on your guys race progress. I had heard one of your dads or someone took some good race pictures late last year, but I never saw them posted. Did I miss that? :cool:


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
dirtbike_freak said:
Im Done!!!! Now Its All Up To Scooter To Get It Proof Read!

Your done with what? Who are you? Who is scooter and what are you talking about? Its been so long that I seem to have forgotten what this thread was about. Oh well... ;)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I was asked to post this up, so here it is...

Previously- 19 other supermini riders followed Mark around the first turn. Mark came over a table top and railed the outside off the next corner. In the next corner, Mark glanced back. Steward was no where in sight
Chap 24
Mark kept riding through the rutty dirt for 2 more laps. In a corner he glanced behind him. Still no one in sight, so over the next 2 laps he rode at about 70 percent.. As he flew by the mechanics area he glanced at his pit board. It read “Hes gaining”
“Whats he talking about?” Mark thought, “I'm a long way ahead.” Even so, mark Glanced back as he came through the next corner, and to his horror, there was Mike Steward charging hard towards him. ‘Uh-oh’ thought Mark as he started up Horsepower Hill. There was only one lap left, but in a corner Mark tipped over. Luckily, he kept the bike running and got going, but not before Steward passed him. There was a step up that they went up side by side. Mark took the inside rut and Steward the ouside. Mark got around it first, but didn’t have the momentum to stay in the lead. The corner before the whoops Mark made a block pass allowing him to take the lead, and not allowing Mike to double the whoops. Mark took the win. He stopped and waited for Steward after the finish line. “Nice race!” Mark complimented.
“Nice pass!” Steward said, shaking his head as he rode away.
Mark knew he was in for it when he got back to the trailer. He put his bike in gear and headed back slowly. He was in no hurry.

“He caught up to you?!” Bobby exclaimed over the phone.
“Yeah,” Mark replied, “And get this, I tipped over in a corner.”
“Ohh,” Bobby groaned, “So what happened?”
“I took the win, but barely” Mark explained.
“I bet Jeff and your dad weren’t to happy when you were done.”
“Oh they weren’t, I got a lecture about always riding a hundred and ten precent.” Mark nodded.
“Man I wish I could come watch tomorrow, but every time I get out of bed into a wheel chair I get sick and throw up.” Bobby said glumly, “And the food’s no good here.”
“Is your sister gonna come up tomorrow?” Mark asked.
“Yeah, she wanted to stay with me, but I wanted her to come support you.”
“I think I have enough support.” Mark told him, but inside he was glad she was coming.
“Well anyway, I need to get off the phone,” Bobby announced.
“Alright talk to you later,” Mark hung up the phone and walked outside, got on his bike and started pedaling toward the track. There was no one else to hang out with. He had already changed out of his gear and was wearing shorts and no shirt. He got on his bike and slowly looked around for someone to hang out with. ‘I wonder where Mike Steward is,’ mark thought, ‘I’ve never really talked to him.’ So he headed the way that Mike had headed after he exited the track. Looking for his trailer, mark rode his bike around for about half-an-hour before he found it. There was a tiny trailer, with 5 Suzuki’s sitting on stands outside of it, where Mike’s dad was working on them. Mike was sitting under an awning in a chair.
Mark hopped off his bike and sat down next to Mike.
“Hey, what’s up?” said Mike.
“Nothing, just looking for anyone to hang out with,” Mark replied, “What’re you doing?”
“I just got done taking a shower.” Mike said, “Are you nervous for tomorrow?”
“Not really,” Mark said, but it was a lie. He felt butterflies in his stomach everytime he thought about the next day. “I have to win 85A in order to get the championship."
Mark and Mike sat around and talked for around half an hour and then Mike's dad said, "Mike,
why don't you go ride your bike, instead of sitting around"
"Alright" Mike replied. "Wanna go ride around Mark?"
"Sure" They got on their bikes and started riding up the hill toward the track. "You
have an awesome bike," Mark told Mike, who's bike looked like it was a couple thousand dollars.
"Thanks, Mountain biking is my second favorite sport thats what i did before I started riding." Mike informed Mark.
"Well how long have you been riding?" Mark asked.
"About 3 years," Mike replied.
Mark mouth dropped open. "Are you serious? You're really good only riding that long!"
"Thanks, I used to race BMX, and I think that helped me."
Mark rode with Mike with a new respect for him. When they got to the track, where everyone was hanging out, Mike saw someone he knew and rode over to them, while Mark spotted Stephanie. He rode over to her and hugged her. "How's Bobby doing?"
"About as good as a kid in the hospital with a broken leg," She answered, "He's pretty ticked the he couldn't come to watch you. But he's having fun in a wheel chair."
Mark laughed. "So are you staying with Payton tonight?"
"Yeah," She replied, "Next week were gonna start moving our stuff into our new house."
"Oh that sounds like fun," Mark said sarcasticly.
"Yeah, and Bobbys just gonna sit back and watch since he cant help." Steph complained.
Mark and Steph talked for another hour until Mark looked at his watch and saw that it was 9:30. "Uh-Oh, I was supposed to be back at 9." Mark said, "Ill see you tomorrow," He left with Stephanie smiling after him. And as Mark rode away, there was a smile on his face too.

Mark woke the next day to the shaking of his mom.
“Time to get up Mark!” She said. It took Mark a moment to realize that it was the day that it would be decided who would win the 85A championship, something that he had been working at for two and a half months.
‘Well, I’ll never win if I don’t get out of bed,’ Mark thought, and he got up and walked outside the RV to the trailer. He looked up at the sky. Cloudless, but it was slightly chilly out. Mark pulled on a set of gear, then went to see what was for breakfast. After he ate, he put on his helmet and a jacket and got on his 85 that Jeff was warming up. They rode to the starting line for practice. Mark was a little jittery as he waited for the OK to go. The two laps, were short and Mark pulled off after the first one and went back to the trailer.
“What’s wrong?” Jeff asked when he got back.
“It’s bogging!” Mark complained.
Jeff kick started it and revved it and and rode around. “I think its all in your head, it seems fine to me.” Jeff told him, “But I’ll check it over just to make sure,”
“Thanks,” Mark said, “Hey mom, what’s the race order?”
She replied, “Supermini is eleventh and 85 is last.”
“Oh great,” Mark said, “The last race of the day, it’ll be so rutted and rough!”
“Well after the races are done, there’s an end of the serries party,” Marks dad informed them, “There’ll be music and dancing and food,”
“That’s kinda weird,” Mark said, but he shrugged. It sounded like fun.
Mark was a little bit nervous when he took his supermini out for practice. He kept expecting someone to run into him or for his bike to bog. ‘get a hold of yourself Mark!’ he thought to himself. He was just nervous for the championship race that afternoon.
Mark rode off the track after riding by the checkered flag. At the trailer Mark got his gear off and started walking towards Payton’s trailer to see Stephanie but on the way he ran into her.
“I was just coming to see you,” Mark told Stephanie.
“I was going to go see you,” Steph said, “Why’d you pull of early in practice?” Mark explained about how he thought his bike was bogging. “Sounds like you’re a little paranoid,” she said, “I know I would be,”
They walked around for a little bit, until Steph said she had to go find Payton, so Mark headed back to the trailer. When he got there, Carson said, “Finally back from walking with your girlfriend?” Mark didn’t even bother saying anything.

“Go get a win!” Mark’s dad said while mark sat on his supermini getting ready to head to the starting gate.
“Good luck, honey,” Mark’s mom said. He flashed the thumbs up, and he and Jeff headed to the starting gate. Jeff spent a couple minutes prepping his starting rut, and then pushed the bike in. Mark did his stretching and then sat on his bike and put his goggles on. “Go ride like you know how to!” Jeff encouraged him.
The card man held up the card. 30 seconds later he turned it sideways and the gates fell to the ground making a loud noise that no one heard because 20 people were trying to get to the first corner first. The person that achieved this goal was Mike Steward, followed my Mark. He was right on Mikes tail, but couldn’t make a pass, due to the fact that Mike was heavily guarding the inside lines. After a lap of this, Mike started to pull ahead. Mark blasted through the loamy dirt going about 95 percent. He was saving some enery for the last two laps. When it was the second to last lap Mike was about 2 and a half seconds ahead of Mark. This was when Mark started charging hard. He was flat out flying. By the time the white flag was out, Mark was right on his tail. Mark attempted to make passes for the next half a lap, but none were successful.
Mark and Mike came up a step up side by side, then into the next corner where Mark had the inside line. He lined for the rut and layed his bike over, nearly dragging his handlebars in the ground. This put him ahead of Mike. Only a few corners left to go until the finish line! Mark came into the corner before the whoops in second gear, clicked up to third on the face, and tripled in, tripled two more times, then was over the finish line, puching his fist into the air. Mike stopped beside Mark they patted each other on the back, then rode over to the podium. Mark gave his bike to his dad, and walked up on the podium.
The interviewer said to Mark, “You won all three moto’s of supermini, getting you the over-all win! That’s gotta feel good.”
“Yeah, it feels great!” Mark exclaimed, “For a minute I didn’t know if I was gonna catch up.”
“But you caught up and took over the lead from Mike Steward! What was going through your head when mike was pulling ahead?”
“I just knew that I needed to put my head down and ride my hardest. I just hope I can do that again in the 85 class later today.”
The interviewer then moved on to interviewing Mike, while Mark walked over to his parents. They both congratulated him and his mom hugged him. They listened to Mike’s interview, and then started walking back to the trailer. Everywhere he walked there were people congratulating him or giving him the thumbs up.
Back at the trailer he signed some more autographs for some girls, then started taking his gear off. ‘I wonder where Stephanie is.’ Mark wondered. His question was answered when he walked outside and saw her standing there. She hugged him right away. Mark glanced at his mom. She was eyeing Stephanie beadily.
“Come on,” Mark beckoned, “Lets walk,” They set off.
“That was an amazing race!” Steph exclaimed.
“Thanks,” Mark said, “I’m a little less nervous now.”
“Do you think you’re gonna win?”
Mark though a minute then said, “Yeah I think I will. If I think that Chris will win, then he probably will.”
She smiled and said, “Good point.”
They continued walking for about an hour, when Mark’s dad called him and said that he needed to get back and start getting ready. They said bye and Mark started back to the trailer. Mark was very happy. Maybe because he thought he was gonna win. Maybe it was because while he and Stephanie were walking, they had been holding hands.

‘This is it. This is it.’ Mark kept thinking to himself as he started to put on his gear. In one short hour, either him, or Chris Gillworth would be the 85A USMXN Champion. Mark hoped very much that this person would be him. Mark walked out side, where Jeff had his 85 ready for him to get on.
His family wished him luck as he and Jeff started off for the starting gates. They got to the staging area and sat there in silence. The stager called Marks number first, and he started up to the gates. Mark sat at his prepped gate, trying to concentrate on the race.
“Remember Mark,” Jeff told him, “It’s just like every other race!” Mark nodded, but then everyone started up their bikes. Mark tried to shake his nerves off but it was a little hard. The cardman walked out infront of everyone and held the card up. A few seconds later, he turned it sideways, and the gates dropped. Mark let out the clutch and gassed it. Out of the first corner there were a few people ahead of him. Chris was only one position ahead of him though. Mark and Chris both passed 2 people first lap. Coming around the mechanics area, Jeff’s pitboard said he was in 5th place. Chris was around a second ahead of Mark as they came up Horse power hill. Over the next lap, Mark worked his way up to 3rd by making a couple aggreesive passes. Chris had worked his up to 2nd. 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd were all about a second apart. Coming around a corner, Mark glanced up to see who was in first. It was none other than, Blake Gopy. ‘This is gonna be fun’ Mark thought sarcasticly.
One lap later, Chris had gotten by Blake unscathed. Mark was catching up too. It was another half a lap, and he was right on Blake’s tail. Mark wanted to make absolutely sure that he could make the pass, before he tried. Coming into a corner, Mark took the inside line, but cut to the ouside, trying to cut Blake off. Blake just plowed right into Mark causing both of them to fall. They both picked up their bikes, and started kicking them over. Mark’s started first. He popped the clutch and started riding as fast as he could. His pitboard said he was 5 seconds ahead. Coming over the finish line, the white flag was out! Mark new he had to go 200 percent over the next lap to catch up. Mark came into corners in 3rd gear, and went as fast as he could trough the ruts. He felt like he was going faster than he ever had in his life. Adreniline surged through him, making him go faster, and faster. Mark caught right up to Chris in the 4th to last corner. They came through two more corners neck and neck. In the last corner before the whoops, Mark took the inside, while Chris took the outside and doubled. Mark was a millisecond ahead as they crossed the finish line. Mark, the 85A champion, threw his fist into the air in victory.

Mark was interviewed several times before he got back to the trailer. At least 3 different magazines, and the announcer all had. First thing Mark did back at the trailer was call Bobby.
“I WON!” he shouted into the phone.
“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Bobby yelled back.
“Yeah, I fell and came back!,” Mark said. Mark exclaimed every tiny detail to Bobby.
“Well I guess I better go find your sister.” Mark said
mark headed toward Paytons motorhome. Again, Stephanie met him on the way there. She shrieked and hugged him.
“That was incredible,” She said exidetly, “When you fell I was like ‘OH NO’ but then you came back and won! Great job” Stephanie glanced at her watch. “Uh oh I’ve got to go get ready for the party, I’ll see you there,” She dashed off in the direction of Paytons trailer.
‘I guess I’ll go get ready to,’ mark thought. He trotted back up to the RV and put on some jeans and a tee shirt. Soon after that, he heard distant music and headed over to where they had set up the dance floor.
Mark was swarmed with people for most of the party. People asking about racing, people asking him if he wanted to ride with them and other things. When Mark finally got away from every one. He spotted Stephanie and headed over to her.
“Do you wanna dance?” Mark asked her.
“Sure,” She replied. They walked out on the dance floor, and almost exactly as they got out there a slow song started. Steph put her arms around Marks neck and he put his arms around her waist. They started dancing.
“This is easier than it looks,” Mark said.
Steph laughed, then said, “You did really good today, I’m proud of you,”
“Thanks,” Mark said.
“I never really stopped liking you, you know,” She said, “During that whole time that you liked Payton, you know,” Mark didn’t know what to say to this so he just looked at Payton and Chris Gillworth dancing. Steph continued on, “I was just trying to make you jealous with Blake Gopy, I guess,” She said “I know that’s bad and Im over that now.”
“Yeah, with Payton I think I was just trying to make you jealous too, because you got me mad and…” Mark rambled on for a minute then steph said,
“Shut up,” and their lips met. As Mark was Kissing her, it felt like he had just won the whole USMXN championship over again.


Nov 27, 2006
yay! :yeehaw: that was really good. While I was reading the racing parts I swear my heart was beating faster haha. That was a good book, the only one I read all summer.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Almost 16 months in the working, but the story was well worth the wait. :cool:

And with almost 40,000 views I believe it makes it the most viewed non-stickied thread on DRN :yikes:


Nov 27, 2006
no way was it 16 months. Thasts over a year! :yikes: it doesnt seem like that long ive been waiting for all the chapters to come out.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
:cool: :worship: :worship:

You make me proud kiddo.

Nicely done.


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006
So...when is the next chapter going to post????? I need my fix. You better not make me wait another 3 months!!!!

J.K. - Great story. Hope you decide to continue with it. Would be a shame to stop.


Jan 28, 2008
I read this the night it came out and forgot to post because i was busy... All i have to say is great job DBF i dont read but i loved this story i read it four hours straight the first time i seen this thread. Im excited to see the Sequal ;) If your still planning on making one.

5 stars :cool:


Sep 3, 2008
WOW! dude that seriously was phenomenal. great job. i read through 68 pages in 2 days. awsome. cant wait for the sequal.

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