Rode my son's new bike-I'm hooked!

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
So I'm just minding my own business, and in the window of one of the friendly shops that I frequent happens to be a shiny, little TTR 90.

I go back a week later-it's still there! Now I'm thinking, "my son could really use that", as he is getting to tall for the 50 Pro Jr. What happens next, every grown adult should avoid at all costs-I rode the darn thing. Next thing I know, I'm loading up the bike, for my son of course-yeah right.

Since it has been home, he has rode it around the yard (loves it) and I have put a ton of miles on it blasting around the neighborhood. There has to be a law against having this much fun. Damn, now I've got to go out and buy another one for myself.

I need a support group... :confused:


Nov 7, 2000
My buddys boy has one. He has a FMF power core IV and bark busters on it. That little guy can make it move to. He did a ruff 26 miles of trail on it with us on Saturday. It was the long cousre portion from our enduro that the had some A only trial in it. There were only a few spots that he had trouble on (mostly clearance and one hill). That little thing can take some punishment.

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
Only thing that comes to mind here is GIT IT, GIT IT!!!! :confused:
Soooooo, I'm sure that beast will make its way to Chadwick this weekend?? Gotta have a scoot to deliver burgers on right....

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Most definitely good buddy.

"I love to can say that again little brutha. I love to drive..."


Jan 1, 2001
Haha, those are such cool little bikes!

My dad only gets to ride my KX if he can catch me! But thats not often...

Stan, congrats on the KDX.

Lee W.


Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by CR Swade
I need a support group... :confused:


I'm with you, I've been caught riding my sons 01' TTR-90 more than once! :) My 10 year old is a riding machine. Last summer at the Idaho State Ride he did 260 miles in 5 straight days on the North Fork of the Clearwater River. I never rode without him and we never passed on a trail because we thought it might be too hard! ;) Needless to say, dad is very proud of him and impressed with that little bike too. You gotta love the user friendly power and 3-speed automatic! I just wish it had a little more suspension and a bigger air filter!

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