
Jul 18, 2007
when I start up my bike and put it in gear it wants to move forward a little and or stall. if i rev the engine a little it doesn't stall but still shifts rough. it shifts hard and loud the first time going into first but then after that it will shift fine. it only happens when the bike isn't warm at all, if I shut it off after riding a while then try start it again a half hour later it shifts into first a lot better.

im thinking it could possibly be bent shift forks or maybe the clutch is adjusted wrong. when tightening the clutch springs do you tighten them to a torque specification or just as tight as they will go? I know all bolts have a torque spec but if the clutch springs were too tight would it make for rough shifting???

any help would be great


Go Big or Go Home
May 27, 2007
Sounds like a clutch issue in a way, clutch springs have a torque spec, Springs cant get too tight the bolt bottoms on the hub, try adjusting your clutch a little, If not it could be springs are weak, I would adjust then inspect the clutch,


Jan 10, 2007
Yes its probably a clutch issue, Not engaging the clutch fully can cause this. To correct this adjust the clutch so that there is very little play when you wiggle the clutch lever front and back. Make sure there is a little play though.

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