Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
TCTrailrider said:
Yeah, but the title says Sunday 10-22. Can't find that date on the calendar but guessing the 21st should be close enough.

yeah, but thats Don. we all know his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor. ;)


Dec 2, 2003
Wolf Child said:
yeah, but thats Don. we all know his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor. ;)

yea yea yea...bite me wolf boy :ahhh:

I realized my typo the second I hit enter and by then it was too late :bang:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
YZMAN400 said:
yea yea yea...bite me wolf boy :ahhh:

I realized my typo the second I hit enter and by then it was too late :bang:

awwwe. you're not gonna cry now are ya? :nener:

we need a video of that Chris Crocker guy... " LEAVE YZMAN ALOOOOOOONE..... WHAAAAAAA" :rotfl:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
TCTrailrider said:
Gonna try to make this ride, haven't ridden with you guys in awhile. Hope Hubby can make it.


It'll be good hanging with you again. :ride:


Dec 2, 2003
TCTrailrider said:
Gonna try to make this ride, haven't ridden with you guys in awhile. Hope Hubby can make it.

If we are talking the same Huber that lives near me.....I doubt it. Last I heard he's still sporting his fancy state issued ankle bracelet.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Wolf Child said:
I think I know the beginning, just didnt know how it ended.


it hasnt yet....


Dec 2, 2003
TCTrailrider said:
Look forward to hearing that story.

Man sought after cruiser is damaged

Muskegon County Sheriff’s deputies today were seeking a felony warrant for a 44-year-old man after a police cruiser was damaged during a domestic dispute call early Sunday. A deputy responded to the call in the 1700 block of East Holton-Whitehall Road at 4:19 a.m. after a woman phoned Central Dispatch to say that her boyfriend threatened her and was going to vandalize her car. He reportedly got mad at her because she let the woodstove get low.

The deputy arrived and encountered the man. He handcuffed him, did a pat-down search and then told him he was going to be placed in the cruiser until the officer could determine what was going on. The report said the man was told he was not under arrest.

In talking to the woman, the deputy determined that she had not been assaulted and her car had not been damaged, the report said.

The officer went outside to talk to the boyfriend and discovered the rear passenger window of the cruiser was broken, the door damaged and the man was gone. Several officers tried to find the man, with no luck. Damage was estimated at around $1,000.

It went downhill from there :|


Dec 2, 2003
Wolf Child said:

did he ever say how he got the cuffs off?

I didn't ask he didn't tell

He has "friends" in the backwoods out there. Anythings possible :whoa:

If I had to guess I'd say bolt cutters or die grinder/cuttoff wheel.

Man you guys would love the "rest of the story" Its quite the drama for sure, but waaay too much for me to type up :nod:


Dec 2, 2003
TCTrailrider said:
And it never would have happened if his girlfriend would have loaded the woodstove. :coocoo:

Actually I think it was destined to happen. She is a manitulative little Beotch. She was using him from the get go. Im pretty sure that what went down was all part of her master plan.

Im relatively sure that once Huby has washed his hands of this mess she will just move on to the her next victim.


Dec 2, 2003
Yea I take it you have all met Chris......lol

Yea I am pretty sure she was looking for a roof over her head (that she dosnt have to pay for) and someone to buy her and her kids food and someone to take care of her kids. She is definately a user.

Her kids were "Home schooled" Um yea...Im sure they were. Dont you have to have some sort of intelegance in order to teach your kids?

She is a conspiracy theary type. She wont go or let her kids go to the library because the government is monitoring what you read.....The thearys go on and on.... its pretty darn funny.


Sep 1, 2003

What do you think she was after, good looks or the cash?[/QUOTE]
Neither one. Just the Carharts and bikes.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
INCA said:

What do you think she was after, good looks or the cash?
Neither one. Just the Carharts and bikes.


Teds got the groove on this one..
Couple years ago Huby, her and her kids come over to the house to look at bikes.. He picks out a couple, tells me he hasnt got the cash at the time but will be getting paid in a couple weeks and will be back.. He buys the bikes - an 87 KDX200 and a DR100..
Middle of summer this year I get a call from the local sherriffs office.. Detective was investigating some stolen bikes.. Said that two bikes I had sold a couple years ago had been reported stolen.. I asked what they were - they were the two Huby had purchased.. I called Huby and found out that the Dame had stolen the bikes out of his garage.. He told her to bring them back, she told him that someone had stole them from her, she then reported them stolen..
Fast forward a couple months, my wife and I are getting ready to run my daughter to college up in Wisconsin.. I make a short trip to town for supplies and a truck carring the stolen KDX crosses the road in front of me.. I pursue..
I have no cell phone so I follow the truck north on Maple Island.. The truck pulls into a store and I pull in.. The person driving the truck is the same chick that was with Chris when he purchased the bikes,, the SAME one who had reported it stolen aarrrrrrggggggg...
The truck leaves and I announce to the people in the store that I am following a truck with stolen property in the back.. Can I borrow someones cell phone?? A real sweet little 80 year old ladie pulls hers out and gives it to me - I tell her I will return it to the store later..
I run my little Festiva to 100 (it really will go that fast) and catch up to the truck just as it turns on Rylithompson towards Cedar Creek trail head.. I call 911 and they dispatch a car. We get to Twin Lake and the truck with the dame driving turns on a side road,, I am calling out street names on 911 just like you hear on cops tv (I was having a blast,,, would love to get a copy of that tape hahahaha).. She tries to run my poor little car over.. The lady on the phone tells me to stop pursute.. I am like,, no wayyyyyy,, if I do I will loose her and she will dump the bike.. THEY DEMANDED I STOP.. I stop and wait for local cop.. He shows up, asks how I know the bike is stolen, told he I built it and sold it to Huby, we went to Hubys to see if that was where she went - nope,, dang,, lost her..
Went back into twin lake and the cop said he would look around the area.. I gave him a GOOD description of her truck.. I went up toward Holton to get gas, stopped at the BP Gas Station before Holton just south of town (or was that a Wesco,, take it back Ted,, we will make it a Wesco just for you hahha).. Got a sandwich, gas, some water - went to Holton... HER FREEKIN TRUCK CROSSES M-120 RIGHT IN FRONT OF MR>>> I do a double take and happen to notice a cop car pull in behind her - ALL RIGHTTTTT.. only problem is no bike..
I turn around and follow the cop car following the truck.. I flash my lights an the cop gives me the thumbs up.. We follow her about four blocks and she turns into a driveway.. I get out of my car and follow the cop up the drive.. Some old toothless hag comes screaming out of her house for me to get off her property.. I see the back end of the KDX sticking out of a shed.. I told the cop thats it.. He says how can I tell? I said again that not only did I put the bike together but I placed the stickers on it.. THe dame starts yelling at me cause I am on Chris's side.. I told her I am on no ones side - I am following up on a call I got two months ago about a stolen bike.. She says that aint the bike SHE reported stolen.. The 19 year old says its his bike and he has had it for 2 years.. I said ahhhhhhhhhhh,, noo noo noo,, when I put a bike together I NEVER forget em.. I said lets look under the flywheel cover cause there will be clean up marks on the crank (was still missing the flywheel like it was when Chris bought it).. Sure enough - BINGO..
Problem was that she has some kind of an in road with the cops.. The cop called in and they said they had lost the paper work for the bike and had nothing saying the bike was stolen,,, even after she stood there and openly admitted to reporting it stolen.. She was a quilty as they come and should have been arrested on the spot..
This is just a very small example of the goofy Police we have around here and what Huby is up against.. Absoulutly CRAZY!!
I returned the cell phone and the lady who owned it came back to the store to get it.. Come to find out, she had MY LAST NAME!! Then to find out more, she also has my sisters first name.. Lives less then 5 miles from me and I never knew it.. Another exciting day in the life of Woodsy!!
Now,, maybe you guys will get an idea of why YZMAN didnt want to go into to much detail.... A book could be written about Huby and his folly.. :)
Woodsy :ride:

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