Jun 14, 1999
Hey JMD,
Im very familiar with Red Sands myself...ride out there all the time. Raced in the annual Tarantula several times as well...great area.

So you like the trails of Cloudcroft too huh? Thats great to hear...my other favorite place to ride as well. Until the snow flies of course!!

I guess I kind of take it for granted having in my back yard, especially hearing from others that drive so far to come ride here. Thanks for the reminder that I should appreciate it a bit more.

Let me know next time your planning a trip out this way and maybe we can hook up and do some riding.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
I have ridden down there before (Muenster)-it was a BJEC event. I tmust have rained 3" overnight and part of the loop had to be cut out because the Red River came up too high.

But what I remember was the little Blackjack oak trees. DON"T EVER BE FOOLED INTO TRYING TO BUSHWHACK THROUGH THESE THINGS! A little tree about 5' tall like to killed me and completely shredded my tricep pad and jersey. There was actually a fellow there that once had his tricep ripped clean out of the hide from these little demon trees. Don't say I didn't warn you. Sure do love ridin' @ Muenster though and bench racing at that little German/family restaraunt on the way-I can't remember the name:)
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