
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
As some of you may remember, I received a citation from a CO for riding my KDX in a "closed area" back in November. In this case the closed area was the roadway leading into Cedar Creek.
I represented myself and the CO,of course,had the Prosecutor on his team. They offered me a "plea" before trial - pay 80 and no misdemeanor. I said NO CHANCE and we went to trial!
Before given the citation I told the CO that my bike was street legal and he said "SO". The license plate was on the back of the bike and the registration was in my pouch but he wasn't interested!
Today in Court he DENIED that I had told him that my bike was street legal (and he took the same oath as I did :( ) Under oath, the Prosecutor ask him what I had done. He said that I pulled into Cedar on Linderman (yep guys, that trail is a roadway!), pulled up to my van, seen him and "putted" back into the trail (I almost laughed, it has been years since I have "putted" on a dirtbike :) )
Actually what happened was I drove straight thru the lot and into the south loop. He was trying to build a case for fleeing and eluding (felony = 5 years). Under VERY many "Objections your Honor" from the Prosecuter I was able to prove to the court that this could not have been the case. I did this by getting the CO to admit that he showed NO sign of wanting me to stop - even when he had over 300 feet of roadway (he was coming at me - going North) to do so.
I presented my registration that the Judge accepted as evidence (again under objection because I didnt give it to the Prosecuter first). The Judge discovered on his own that the date of purchase was before the date of the citation. He found out that I did, in fact, have a street legal bike!!
Bottom line, 5 trips to the court house, 75 minutes of trial and Woodsy is found NOT GUILTY! Man that prosecuter was MAD!!

My next move is filing a complaint with the proper authorties against the Officer! There was another rider present when I was cited (did not come to court but has agreed to testify if I want to proceed against the CO). Under the circumstances, I am going to do so. Does ANYONE have any suggestions for the best trail to follow i.e. a notorized complaint to the CO's supervisor, a charge filed with the Prosecuting Attorney, a letter to the local paper.....?
Any suggestions?

By the way, after the trial the Judge looked at me and said "I want you to know that I am TOTALLY against those bikes being in the woods". I asked why. He said because we mess up his trout fishing! I DID NOT DO THIS but I wanted to say - what makes you running a hook thru a fishes mouth better use of our public lands then me riding my bike on it?? I didnt say it but I wanted to!!
No you jokers, I am not a Greenie! I fish too!

Man what a day! I would have rather been doing my mid-week ride!


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 14, 2002
congrads. Yea, i agree get that co back. right a letter saying how he lied in court. that's gotta be worth something against him. lol. anyways. get him and make it public (i.e. the newpaper).


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Congratulations on the trial Woodsy, and I'm glad you got your justice. Don't want to make enemies with the COs, but the shady ones need to be called out on bogus tickets like yours.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Justices found in Michigan that’s great! As for getting even with the CO, to me it the system that was put in place by former administration is at fault. I have never met or dealt with a CO that wasn’t a complete ass and tried to make me feel as if I was doing something wrong (boats, bikes, hunting, fishing or even lake front owner ship land use and rights issues. Sometimes issues with large departments like the DNR needs to be tired in the court of the public Opinion!

Also Woodsy when the judge piped up and said. "That we screw up his fishing" this would of been a good time. to ask where when and how? Tell him nicely about the CCC and how they try diligently to keep people out of other than regulated habit that were allowed to ride on. Also accentuate the tread lightly campaign of the CCC! I my self love Michigan's wilderness. I just want to be able to ride, race and boat on it. OK off the soapbox.
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Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Woodsy!! Woodsy!! Wake up!!! You've had a bad dream!!

Wow, can you believe this crap? Thanks from all of us for fighting this!

I trout fish too, but what a pompous A.. to make such a comment about dirt bikes! Judges are supposed to be impartial, so isn't that prejudicing a judge's position by saying such a thing?

No advice on going after the CO, but it sounds like it should happen!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by MWEISSEN

No advice on going after the CO, but it sounds like it should happen!

Maybe a horse's head in his bed? :p

Actually, a well written letter to his supervisor would probably be most effective.


Oct 3, 2002
Congrats on your win! Chalk one up for the little guy. I've had an incident where a ranger lied about the situation, but the court was in Bay City (Federal) and I couldn't get off work to fight the ticket. Most newspapers won't print a slanderous article about a law enforcement officer, but a well written to his/her supervisor, with copies to your local elected official (and a copy here for us to read too!) might do wonders the next time a legal dirtbiker rides by that particular CO.


Aug 28, 2002
Glad to hear you won although it is a shame you had to go through all the BS in the first place. What a waste of time. I went through a fight over a nonsense ticket a year and half ago and it was a real eye opener.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Thanks for the "congrats" guys but I wanna tell ya something. Bigbob hit the nail on the head - WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!!!
This has been a REAL eye opener for me too Bob!

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