What's wrong older bikes?


Mar 27, 2001
I also ride an old bike (1984 CR250) and I have as much fun on it as I probably would have on a brand new bike. It does everything I want it to and more. The main things I don't like about it are the exhaust system (it's stock, and needs a new one) and the rear drum brake (a real pain when removing the back wheel!). It's basically stock, except for the tires of course. The suspension and power have been adequate for my needs so far - I've jumped it about 60-65 feet and it felt fine. I'm saving for a "new" bike (about a 96-97 CR or KX 250), but I think it would be a lot of fun to race the old bike first because everybody would think I was crazy ;), and maybe I wouldn't even finish last!



May 10, 2001
For real! I hate it when people say my 82' YZ100 is old! Its not that old, 19 yr. old and runin' like crud LOL!:( (the more I make fun of my bike the better I feal . . .) Oh well I'll have a new(er) one shortley:)


Apr 28, 2001
Hearing all a you guys talk about old bikes cracks me up. Appears to me that you all have newer bikes! I ride (and constantly work on) a 1971 Maico MC250. I am getting ready to put together a new bike... a 1976 Maico AW250! But, lately, the urge to get a bike that I can maybe ride more than work on has gotten to me. So, I am in the market for something new. Maybe a 1978 YZ 250, which was the last brand new dirt bike I bought. I sold it in a bit of weakness after looping it going WFO at Saddleback Park and swearing I would never ride one a these pain-bringers again!


May 10, 2001
Hey I also have a 78' Z50! I love that thing!


Aug 8, 2000
I consider anything newer than 1990 new. My dad has an old bike, his is a 1978. I consider mine middle-aged. I can't believe people with a 90-96 are complaining that their bike is old. That's pathetic.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Its all relative. A new bike is only new until it leaves the dealers showroom. I ride a 97 YZ 250, not old, or new, but no payments! Besides it got me riding again after a 4 year stint without a bike. I'm not the slowest or the fastest, but I have a lot of fun. I was hot to by a used 01 CR 250 in Sept. That was until we took the boy to the dentist for braces. Now when I want to look at my new used bike, I ask the boy to open his mouth. Them braces are expensive yanno!

Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by SpeedyManiac
I can't believe people with a 90-96 are complaining that their bike is old. That's pathetic.
Who's complaining?:think If you read the thread right it was OTHER people making comments about our older bikes. :mad:


Aug 26, 2000
I have a '87 KX500 and I love it. Sure it would be nice to have a new KX500, 500AF, or KTM520 (I love the open class bikes). :) But the old KX gets me around just fine. Only bummer is trying to find aftermarket parts on certain items. I can get everything I need from the local Kawi dealer but it usually cost a little more.:mad: For me, it's better to pay a little more a couple times a year then making a payment every month.
Apr 27, 2001
I still cruise my dad's 1970 Honda CT70 around the trails next to my house. It can keep up with my neighbor's 2001 Honda XR70 so I figure thats pretty good. It's not too old is it? :D


Mar 17, 2000
I ride an old outdated 99 XR400. This bike is even air cooled and only has 5 gears and no electric start. It not even considered and enduro bike (anymore) and definately not on anyones short list. Yet the DRZ rider who rode it on the weekend was suprised that the bike handled and felt lighter than his bike. How can that be ! :D


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
You know your bike is old when it breaks and you cant find / borrow / steal parts for it anymore.

That makes my '79 YZ400 old i guess.

Anyone wanna buy it? :ugg:

I'll keep the new one ('82 XL500R) for a while.


Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by KXKen
I can't believe I hear people calling a 99 old. This year I passed plenty of new bikes on wide open flat straights. I think my bike is still plenty competitive. If I rode like RC I'd want a new one but the way I ride this bike will be good for me for a long time.

If you rode like RC, you would problably beat everyone (Except maybe MC, Windham, Larocco, and Ferry) regardless of riding a 99.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
In 1990 I rode a ' 76 CR125 elsonore, now that bike was old. and out dated. in 91 I rode an ' 84 CR500 AIR COOLED, again old. Only recently in the last five years have I ponied up for newer bikes. And opinions are all relative. I'm stoked now to have a '95, Msot of my buddies i keep up with or beat ride newer bikes. You can have fun on them all. For serious racers, it'd be more of a issue. Are newer bikes/ designs might make things easier.

Ask OL89er, he rides a early 80's duel sported XR350 on most of our trial rides and outrides most of us. Just some proof 90% rider you know. Of course he has a yz400f for racing.


Oct 9, 2001
My last bike was a 78 RM 370, and that was a beast. I am looking at getting back to riding after a six year lul. I am looking at getting an 87 CR 250 or 88 KX 250, something I wanted when I was younger. Besides, $6000 WHAT for a new bike:eek:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Everyone keeps forgetting the reason older bikes can get overlooked-and it doesn't have anything to do with technological advances (as most of us tend to seriously waste the 40+hp 250's make).

Newer looks and feels better than old and clapped out. Bike maintenance is the whole key here. The 8 year-old bike may be within a curly hair in terms of performance, but if it feels clapped out it will be perceived as slow and out-dated. It is human nature. Also, the biggest improvements come not in performance, as the 88 CR in my garage proves, but in ergonomics, again as the 88 CR in my garage proves.

Back in 85, I thought my 83CR125 was the be-all bike. Now it feels like a dinosaur. Last time I rode it 6-7 years ago, it still ran great-it just felt like a funky old bike.

Just ride;)


Oct 14, 2001
i don't care what people are riding. if you got skill than it shouldn't matter what you're riding. heck, if you can beat some kid on a 2002 yz250 on a heavier, less technological bike more power to ya. just have fun riding and ignore those people and their s***.


Feb 8, 2001
Hey it,s that magazine thing,you have to buy this years bike because it,s way better than last years model. Then a couple a months later they tell you to change this and that shell out another 1500.oo to 2000.00 to make it right then oooppps it,s next year and the new model is still some how better than last years.
We have new bikes and old bikes in our family my son finished 2nd overall in 250 beginner class last year on a well maintained 91 cr 250.
Every now and then our local suspension tuner like,s to dust off his prized 86 cr125 and come wax the boys in plus 25 class. He sure helps to set an example for the younger crowd it ain,t all about flash it,s about ability!!!!!!


Jan 2, 2002
Best of both worlds

....let's face it - you buy a new bike and the first time you go down, it looks just as scratched up as your old one.

I've had new bikes and old bikes. I had a 91 CR250 that had 52 hp - it said so on the title! more than enough power. It was a great bike and when I sold it, the guy who bought it said it was faster than the new ones. The only thing that made me look kewl out at the track was new plastic. ;)

Face it - if you slap new plastic on your old bike, it's just like having a new bike without having to feel really bad when you dump it! Of course, I always keep my bike well maintained, it's a disgrace not to. And if you have an older bike, and it's kept up well and you slap new plastic on it once a year for $100-200 you get a lot of compliments on the bike's condition.

I would much rather spend a couple hundred a year instead of spending several thousand on a new one and then go down on it the first time out!



Sep 20, 2001
I ride an old bike too and mainly agree with having enouh horsepower.The biggest difference for us between old and new is the suspension advances over the past 10 years or so. Oh to have a little (lot) better setup!


Oct 30, 2001
I remember last year in the middle of a 80+ mile all dirt dual-sport ride, a bunch of guys were taking a break in a clearing. There were all these brand new KTM's everywhere and blue thumpers shining and other whiz-bang latest and greatest type bikes. Then this dude comes absolutely flying through the group, and into the tricky tight woods section right after. This guy was FAST, bouncing the bike perfectly from turn to turn all the way until he was out of our view. The best part was he was riding a clapped out XT350 from the 80's. The whole group got real quiet after he went by.

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