Why can't people just get along?


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
I don't have issues with the people so much. There are many bikers that I would like to kick very hard too. I just don't like quads. They look so boring, but i guess it's just personal taste.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
250girl said:
I don't have issues with the people. I just don't like quads. They look so boring, but i guess it's just personal taste.

I'm just messin with you.. I can't stand quads or the typical quad rider.


Apr 14, 2008
The initial post is that everyone thinks thier pastime (sport) is more important than the rest...and that's dead on. I have horses, ATV's, and bikes and there is pelnty of room for all if everyone just uses a little common courtesy. I've literally spent half my life horseback but will tell you that most people you see out there trail riding are ins serious peril of killing themselves as soon as their ass hits the saddle. That said, the reponsibility for saving them from themselves has to rest upon the shoulders of those riding the things with motors. Personally it doesn't matter to me at all if you go blasting by, but if I've got my kids riding alongside...well...your putting them a risk for some serious injury if you don't appraoch the situation with some common sense.

As for most trailriders, it's true they generally carry an attitude of contempt towards ATV and bike riders. The worst in this regard however are walkers. For some reason they seem to feel like the fact that they are moving along one step at a time automatically promotes them to some kind of elite status.

For me, the main thing is to not leave trash. Frankly, bikers almost never do simply because they don't carry any with them. It strikes me that the worst to leave thier trash are the off-roaders....the very same ones who could haule it back out most easily. My rule is this...after i'm done riding and I'm heading in, I generally always try to collect a piece of trash to haul out with me. If I'm on a ATV, I usually have a trash bag or two under the seat and just fill it up on the way in. Trust me, it makes it hard for the "elitists" to bitch when they see you picking up trash and hauling it out.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Sigmoid said:
Trust me, it makes it hard for the "elitists" to bitch when they see you picking up trash and hauling it out.
Couldn't have said it better. I've had several hikers and bikers come up on me while I'm picking up the trash, both on my ATV and on my dirt bike.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007

Couldn't have said it better. I never leave trash behind, and I also pick it up. I have spent much time picking up bottles that have been smashed in the middle of the trial, a danger to horses, bikes and ATVs. The whole smashed bottles thing really grinds my gears.

Flying Flea, yes my primary ride is the '94 WR250. Other than the fact that it is a huge tank of a bike that crushes me, I absolutely love it. Especially when the young guys pull up beside me on the straight stretch for a race on their fancy new MX bikes, and I win. Then I get the question, " What IS that thing????" Then the second question, "aren't WR's four- strokes ??" :ohmy:
Did you ever have or ride one?

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