Jeff Howe

Apr 19, 2000
Well....even before he hurt his ankle he wasn't doing squat out there. What sense does it make for a guy to be on a SX only contract and put in results like THAT?? He should go back 'Nam....

Red Mamba

Feb 5, 2006
XRpredator said:
a liar about not going into protect mode.

gotta watch what you say about RC, though. Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Ricky Carmichael.
So it was protect mode in, both rounds Canada, San francisco, Anaheim, San diego and Olrando :uh: Is he ever gonna get out of that so called "protect mode" ?


Jun 18, 2004
I think the protect mode thing is getting blown out of proportion. What everyone thinks is Ricky Carmichael's "protect mode" is just his "ride-smart-but-don't-crash" mode. We all saw RC's REAL protect mode last year when he would look behing him on corners and make sure he wasn't going to get punted off the track, and when he would let Bubba and Reed by to battle, and when Windham caught and passed him in one of the rounds before Vegas.

He's just riding safe, consistent, fast lap times. They just happen to be slower than Bubba's. Why can't anybody realize this? Bubba is faster indoors when RC rides SMART and Bubba rides like he's trying to make up points... which is exactly what's going on.



***** freak.
May 5, 2000
XRpredator said:
Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Ricky Carmichael.

Very good.



***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Ryone said:
I think the protect mode thing is getting blown out of proportion. What everyone thinks is Ricky Carmichael's "protect mode" is just his "ride-smart-but-don't-crash" mode. We all saw RC's REAL protect mode last year when he would look behing him on corners and make sure he wasn't going to get punted off the track, and when he would let Bubba and Reed by to battle, and when Windham caught and passed him in one of the rounds before Vegas.

He's just riding safe, consistent, fast lap times. They just happen to be slower than Bubba's. Why can't anybody realize this? Bubba is faster indoors when RC rides SMART and Bubba rides like he's trying to make up points... which is exactly what's going on.


Makes sense to me. :cool:


Dec 31, 1969
So what we are saying here is, RC "can" be faster than JS is willing to go? I'm confused. RC says JS is faster, "we" say no, RC is just "riding safe". Or are we saying.. nevermind, I can't keep up with all the "no one is actually faster than RC unless he let's them", stuff. Same discussions we had when RC started beating MC. So confusing.

Red Mamba

Feb 5, 2006
Ryone said:
I think the protect mode thing is getting blown out of proportion. What everyone thinks is Ricky Carmichael's "protect mode" is just his "ride-smart-but-don't-crash" mode. We all saw RC's REAL protect mode last year when he would look behing him on corners and make sure he wasn't going to get punted off the track, and when he would let Bubba and Reed by to battle, and when Windham caught and passed him in one of the rounds before Vegas.

He's just riding safe, consistent, fast lap times. They just happen to be slower than Bubba's. Why can't anybody realize this? Bubba is faster indoors when RC rides SMART and Bubba rides like he's trying to make up points... which is exactly what's going on.

You mean to say RC hasn't crashed at all this season while riding upfront all by himself in a heat race without Bubba ? :think:


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Okiewan said:
So what we are saying here is, RC "can" be faster than JS is willing to go? I'm confused. RC says JS is faster, "we" say no, RC is just "riding safe". Or are we saying.. nevermind, I can't keep up with all the "no one is actually faster than RC unless he let's them", stuff. Same discussions we had when RC started beating MC. So confusing.

RC is on double secret probation til he rides up front or until further notice :think:


Jun 18, 2004
Red Mamba said:
You mean to say RC hasn't crashed at all this season while riding upfront all by himself in a heat race without Bubba ? :think:
Nope. I don't mean to say it, I didn't say it, and I didn't imply it.


Jun 18, 2004
Okiewan said:
So what we are saying here is, RC "can" be faster than JS is willing to go? I'm confused. RC says JS is faster, "we" say no, RC is just "riding safe". Or are we saying.. nevermind, I can't keep up with all the "no one is actually faster than RC unless he let's them", stuff. Same discussions we had when RC started beating MC. So confusing.
Like I said before, I think RC is telling the truth when he says that Bubba is faster. I also truely believe that RC knows he can go faster, but will not risk the championship just to beat Bubba.

It's been pointed out before that Bubba hasn't lost a race that he hasn't crashed. RC said Bubba's faster, Bubba hasn't lost a race where he's stayed upright, and Bubba has even spotted RC a crash...

Is all of this because Bubba is just faster indoors? I'd say so.
Is all of it because RC isn't riding above his head just to beat Bubba since he knows that Bubba is prone to crashing? Very possible.


Red Mamba

Feb 5, 2006
Ryone said:
Like I said before, I think RC is telling the truth when he says that Bubba is faster. I also truely believe that RC knows he can go faster, but will not risk the championship just to beat Bubba.

It's been pointed out before that Bubba hasn't lost a race that he hasn't crashed. RC said Bubba's faster, Bubba hasn't lost a race where he's stayed upright, and Bubba has even spotted RC a crash...

Is all of this because Bubba is just faster indoors? I'd say so.
Is all of it because RC isn't riding above his head just to beat Bubba since he knows that Bubba is prone to crashing? Very possible.

I bet you outdoors is gonna be hang it all out, no protect mode theory then we get to see how good Bubba can be on a thumper vs the GOAT.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Red Mamba said:
I bet you outdoors is gonna be hang it all out, no protect mode theory then we get to see how good Bubba can be on a thumper vs the GOAT.

i smell a prediction......................go big Red :nod:


Mar 7, 2001
Red Mamba said:
I smell a great outdoor season battle, CR better hurry up get his shoulder fixed.

Yeah,, a well CR would mean a serious battle for 1st between RC and JBS, and a serious battle for 3rd between CR and K-dub,, with Hot Sauce and Wey possible in the 3rd place battle, and maybe even Milsaps.

Red Mamba

Feb 5, 2006
HiG4s said:
Yeah,, a well CR would mean a serious battle for 1st between RC and JBS, and a serious battle for 3rd between CR and K-dub,, with Hot Sauce and Wey possible in the 3rd place battle, and maybe even Milsaps.
How about M Byrne if he works on his physical conditioning. I wouldn't be surprised to see G Langston on a thumper, lookout for him in the 3rd position battle, point is 3rd and 4th is gonna be a very tough and kind of intertaining battle.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Red Mamba said:
I wouldn't be surprised to see G Langston on a thumper, lookout for him in the 3rd position battle

I wouldn't be surprised to see him on a thumper either since he's been on one know for the last two seasons. Of course to be involved in the battle your referring to he'd have to nut up and ride with the big boys so you can forget about seeing that this summer.


Aug 17, 2005
I love it when people think that just because something is said on TV, it is a fact.

Was RC slower than BS last week? Yep, he was....RC almost had a little smile/smirk about it. RC knows what he is doing.

How about this theory?

RC goes 95-99%, and settles for 2nd if he has to, if JBS crashes, then great, if not, no biggy, as long as he is the #2 guy. Also, maybe RC feels like there are certain tracks that he is much better at, so he will charge at some and not as much at others. Is this the 1st time some of you have watched motorsports and understood how points works? and understand that when you are riding 110% the risk if crashing, mechanicals (esp-engine, tranny, etc..), injury, etc....happen a LOT more frequently (even a JBS fan can understand this can't they? ;) )

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