Oct 10, 2000
Lets get this going, I nominate JayBird as our president! He enjoys riding and is an all around good guy;) Cal's to busy, wheelie can't read nor write, so its up to the JayBird. All in favor say I.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Your public now.
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
OK, seems that we have the thing public now.

First off, I honestly think it not fair to everyone if we name our pres and cabinet prior to the bulk of our group forming. There may be some more deserving souls that may be a better choice than me for pres. But for now I will accept the responsibility of orginaizing the ground floor. I will absolutely need help, and I'm sure I can count on you guys to help me. (Cal & Wheelie or anyone else)

I realise you may be very busy, Cal..so be sure and don't take on anything that will hinder your work.

Wheelie, I like the "Kentuckiana Dirt Riders" but it may be a bit ordinary, but maybe that's a good thing. I'll throw a couple and you guys weigh in.
"Kentuckiana Hill-toppers"
"Kentuckiana Hill-hoppers"
"Kentuckiana Colonels"
"Kentuckiana Dirt Roosters" (or variation of such)(bawwwwk):(
or simply "DRN, Kyana Chapter"
I'm sure we will get some more input now that we will have more folks getting involved.
I think that we will enjoy doing things like voting on-line. It will give us an opportunity to get as much input from everyone as possible.
One thing I would like to ask right off...do we want to make it manditory that our members be AMA? I know one group that is requiring folks to be support team members, but I don't know if that is a great idea for us just yet. I'm sure we can lobby for our members to help support this site as well as other things. What do you guys think? I think we need to have AMA members for our group rides, but for just being a group member I don't know.

I've got some ideas in my feable head for some charity things, perhaps a bike raffle once a year? (I'm sure the smak pak or the clown asses will steal our ideas but what the hey!) :debil:

Lets make this thing happen!
"When we meet, we EAT!" :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Although Kentuckiana Hill-Toppers is very fitting, I prefer Kentuckiana Dirt Riders or DRN, Kyana Chapter. The latter shows we are a part of a larger group...I like that. They are pretty ordinary, but I'm an ordinary guy. Look at my screen name...C orey A aron L ovett. Pretty darn ordinary. I'm OK with AMA membership being mandatory. It could help promote the sport, and weed out some of the halflings. I think Support Team status is pushing it though. Maybe make it where you have to be a Support Team member to be a cabinet member??

BTW...I just had some goooood grilled marinated chicken last night.;)


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
LOL, clean out your PM's, sarge!

CAL, how about "Team DRN Kentuckiana Chapter"??
I'm with you on the cabinet members being support team!

:( All I had tonight was some KyFried.
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Feb 6, 2001
Hey guys I would like to be part of the Kentuckiana chapter. Iv'e always wanted to join a club but never have. Thet and last time it talked to my main rideing partener at christmas he had sold his KX and was borrowing a quad so I might be needing some new people to ride with. hopfully he will be back on a bike for spring break next week though. Team DRN Kentuckiana Chapter shounds good to me


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Heck yeah, wanabe!
Glad you are in!

Brian, when we get a place we can call home...we can post our bylaws at top and allow folks to signify they read it with a post.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
The bylaws will need to be approved by each club. Okie will decide when to put up a forum/moderator. Will the Kentuckiana chapter want to be in the Central or East region (Central I assume)? Settle up on your name you can use a poll if need be in this forum. Everyone's responses seem to be real positive:) .


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I thought we dun skewled ya on where KYana was!:confused:

We would definately be a Central Chapter, Brian.
I thought that the bylaws were a done deal. I'm certain that if we found a need to change anything, we could do it, but I think your document is fine the way it is.

Being simple folk, I think for now we will be "Team DRN Kentuckiana Chapter".
Perhaps we will find a hook name in the future. If things go well, maybe the "Grillmasters" ;)
Oct 10, 2000
Looks like everything is coming along, we've agreed on a name, we have a temp. president (until we vote) we all seem to like to EAT food. Now what to do next? Hum, maybe a meeting or a fun ride someplace? It would be good to get together sometime.

We need more members - come on all you kentuckiana riders post your thoughts.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I have two other riding buddies that are DRN members but are basically non posters. They'll be in for sure. I know of a few more KY boys that I will send a link to this thread to make sure they are a part of this. Hopefully we'll be hearing from Darby, Jay-R, and Yamahauler soon.

Let's Ride! :aj:
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
We were gonna try to have a ride this Sun at Lawrence Co. but it looks like mother nature is going to make it tough on us. Looks like the plan will be to have a ride on the 16 or 17th again at Lawrence Co. Offroad.

I'll be sure and get an e-mail going for all who can potentially make it. I'll also post a thread for those who don't know where Lawrence Co. IN. is.

Wheelie, I think a meeting would be a nice thing to do...perhaps a centrally located place to have a nice dinner. ???

Cal, I too have talked to many who don't do much posting and it looks very positive for membership. Hoping JohninKY and The Temples, among others, will weigh in.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Hey Jaybird, where is Lawrence Co.? If it's not a days drive for me, and it's on the 16th, I should be able to make it. Can't do Sunday's though.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Looks like it's about 260 miles for you. Saturday is best for me too.


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Feb 14, 2002
I am down with a Lawence Co. ride sometime. Sundays are VERY bad for me (I am a youth minister). If we can do it on a Sat...or Friday & Sat. somtime...I am definately in. I am fat and slow though...hopefully someone slower than me will be present as well (very doubtful though:mad: :whiner: )


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Thanks Jaybird.
What's the riding area like? Trails, Track? How many miles of trails? If we come, we'll have to come up Friday and spend the night. Know of any places to stay? I'd really like to ride with everyone, but it's hard to convince a bunch of guys to travel 4 1/2 hours to go ride somewhere, when we have 150 miles of trails in our backyard. Hopefully I can convince them.:)
You guys will have to come down and ride at Turkey Bay with us sometime.


Sep 26, 2001
Directions for Lawrence County ride on the 16th or 17th

Directions to Lawrence County Rec. Park

Jaybird asked me to post some directions for the ride ,so here they are.

From the North

Go south on SR 37 past Bloomington,IN.
Continue S. for 12 more miles.
37 will decend down to a stop light. You should see a sign for the park. There is a Citgo gas station on the right.
Turn right and immediately hang a left just past the station.
Continue about 1.5 to 2 miles and you will come to a T.
Turn right and wind your way about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile( past the entrance to a golf or hunting club on the right).
You will come to another park sign, turn left there.
Go about 1/2 mile to the T at the park.
Turn right on the gravel drive and follow it to check in.
You should have no trouble. Just follow the park signs from SR 37.

The park is almost 400 acres. The trails are easy to moderate unless it has rained a lot. Then it is tough. A lot of this place is still virgin. Many of the trails are very tight. Bring your barkbusters. There is still a lot of grass around. They also have a little mx track and a small flat track. I love that thing. I think this place would make a great first group ride. The location is pretty central for most of us too.You will cover the place in 3-4 hrs. but I think we will have a good time re-riding the trails together. E-mail me if you have any questions or concerns. PntNShoot22@aol.com Hope to See Ya there.
Here is the site for the park. You will find a map and some pics. along with hours ,fees, and camping info.http://www.abateofindiana.org/lcrp/lcrp.php
If the weather is good enough, some of us may camp. There are plenty of places to get rooms in Bloomington to the north or Bedford to the south.
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