Congrats to IrishEKU on the Avatar!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Ok, In all fairness, maybe I should have included my response. I only posted his first portion of the script. So that you have the whole version, I submit the remainder of the correspondence for your entertainment:

Whyzee wrote on 07-21-2003 10:31 PM:
Look you pompous ass, first who the hell is Steve?
Second, I've served my country and my fellow Americans, that doesn't give me any special knowledge and I certainly don't go about boasting of it.
Third, you are not a leader! You never will be!
And last, don't ever communicate with me again, you are a fool.
You don't know when to SHUT UP.
But the responsability of any leader wheather it is in the private sector or in the Military is to tell your subordinates the truth.
Like I said YOU are not a leader
You can either edit your comment or I can post this, one thing remains, sugar coat it or tell it like it is. I prefer to be truthful.
Post this right along with it, NO ONE needs your self righteous spoon feeding.
Then I get this from the guy:
IrishEKU wrote on 07-21-2003 10:52 PM:

You are a touchy one aren't you?

As you've stated you have served and you know the truth in putting straight forward information to your subordanants. I don't think I need to say more.

I called you "STEVE" to see the reaction I got, I recived as I thought I would. By you resorting to childish retorts it is understandable that I decided to use PM rather than posting in the open. While I have decided to move on or "Grow up" you haven't. It's the same old game isn't it with you?

You questioning my leadership ability is interesting because you have only met or interacted with me on this forum.

You on the other hand must be up for Cheif Of Staff of The Army for your articuletness and prowess for choosing leaders from their typing. I really have to congradulate you Sir for your choice of Schilinski, he really did a great job with the Rangers and the Black Beret. Wait a second, unless you are President of the United States you have no say wheather I am Commissioned or not do you?

Being that you hold little regard of my abilities, it must irk you terribly that I will be commissioned doesn't it?

I am sorry that you are so impitent and closed minded to the trials and tribulations of todays soldiers. Further more, the "Sensitivity" training that exisests, is not the same for Marines and Soldiers.
Grow Up, "Soldier".

Whyzee wrote on 07-21-2003 11:01 PM:
Like I said, don't ever communicate with me again.
You called me Steve because you are an idiot.
Being commissioned has nothing to do with being a leader.
This place was, and is, better in your absence.
Irish, only you think highly of your contribution, you should understand all these words: Duty, Honor, Country. Honor, is something you have nothing of.

Whyzee wrote on 07-22-2003 11:04 AM:
You can either edit your comment or I can post this, one thing remains, sugar coat it or tell it like it is. I prefer to be truthful.
Hey dumb $h!t, we are still waiting for your post???
Post it, Show everyone how frigen stupid you are.
Quiet? Keep it that way, you are not needed here, leave!


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Whyzee, I have nothing but respect for you and for anyone who has served this country. The one and only reason that I did not join up after HS was because I was not about to have my boss be Slick Willy Clinton. I regret that I did not serve but I have a lot of regrets in life.

That being said. I absolutely abhor people who act like they are better than me because they are or have been military. The only thing I hate worse is people who are ROTC acting this way. We have been over this a million times with Irish and it is getting stale.

I have never met Irish but I can tell you that I know about his leadership skills. You can tell a lot about a person from his posts. For instance, I am a moron. I am proud of it. I like to entertain people. Irish on the other hand is an immature grude choker who likes to talk big and make people feel small.

So that is my take on it Steve. :p

I leave you with this........
A quick caveat to the above link, many friends over on WWW.PARATROOPER.Net tried to get some backround on the rather "interesting" personalities over on VAIW, for the most part we were banned for asking about various military backrounds etcetera. Most are posers and wannabe's that have formed a mutual appreciation group that delutes fact and and bends reality for their own deluded views.

I would think that Irish would fit in just fine then
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I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Originally posted by MrLuckey


^^ and that's why we all love you Jamie! Oh yeah, the rest of your post was good too but I like funny Jamie the best :thumb:

Thanks Ed, I eve caught myself chuckling on that one. I hate laughing at my own jokes! But if I can make just one Ed laugh, my job is done.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Hehehe - I chuckled for a couple hours... until I saw his latest response in Kav's journal :(

I do miss Moose95 - awesome person in every way as far as I can tell.

By the way, doesn't bother me a bit to laugh at my own jokes, most others don't so.............


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Irish, you have already stooped. Have you ever considered that another man's life is none of your damn busniness? And to top it all, you don't show one word of remorse for your previous comments.
There are times to spout off, and times to keep your pie hole shut. You apparently can't distiguish between the two.
Come into it hillbilly!


Dec 31, 1969
Hey Bundu...
The right to say it and saying what's right aren't the same thing.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
You know, for someone who claims to be superior in many ways *coughIRISHcough*, I sure do see a LOT of typos and spelling errors in that last post. :think: :silly:
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Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by Okiewan
Hey Bundu...
The right to say it and saying what's right aren't the same thing.

my point exactly - only with free speech can you really get to know ones intentions, character, motivations etc.

As I said a while back, "Ain't it great, being able to be free to self implode - freely" :p
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Jul 31, 2000
I had some catching up to do here, and it has all been said, but......
I can't quite understand how someone could post such horse crap...and I can't for the life of me understand how someone would post such horse crap with such bad timing. Good god Irish, step back and take a look at this from a distance, there's got to be a little common sense in you!

"Ain't it great, being able to be free to self implode - freely"



Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I guess I never realy paid much attention to ole Irish.

Now that I have done some back-tracking, I can see why I never paid much attention to the lad. -- I guess I have a built in @sshole detection and aversion system.

I have seen enough gung-ho BS from his posts to last a lifetime. Leader my arse. Phhhhttttt!

Good choice on the assitar. I say use it.

How's that for a "cold harsh wall of truth"? :aj:

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Sep 20, 2001
Due to a significant change in my career I’ve had very little time lately to catch-up on DRN in the last 8-10 weeks. :( Damn I miss it and the good folks here!

However, a few weeks ago I dropped by and found the “Ended my self imposed exile” thread and was surprised Irish was back. After reading everyone’s responses I thought maybe Irish had done some MAJOR self-analysis and changed. :think:

Today I had some free time and dropped in again only to find this thread and that some things will never change. I offer this, not to pile on, but in all sincerity:

Irish….if you read this and I hope you do: We’ve all read the “I’m military”…..”I’m a leader” …..”I’m active duty”…..”I’m ROTC” BS you spout all too often. The fact of the matter is that it DOES chap my ass to know that someone like you can slip through the cracks to obtain a commission in the military. I pray for the poor souls unfortunate enough to be assigned to your future commands. That said the military actually has zip to do with anything, as I’m sureyou were you long before joining ROTC.

It didn’t take reading all of your 3985 posts to realize that you and I will never see eye-to-eye. Not that it matters. You sir should consider becoming a hermit. :thumb:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I'm a little late to, yet would have to agree. Those comments were out of line for a "leader". He fits my stereotype as a future AMWAY salesman :eek:
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